[seedig] SEE Summary continuation

Vasile P. popovvasile at gmail.com
Thu May 5 13:12:56 CET 2022

Dear all,

I hope you all are doing well in these horrific times.
Since the start of war in Ukraine, many of us had their lives changed
forever, especially  for those who live or have relatives in the war-zone.

Since the beginning of the war, we paused the development of the
The main reason for this is that a big part of the work was done by Olga
Kyryliuk, especially organizing us and editing each new release of this
summary. She did an amazing and laborious job, and we really feel a huge
gap in our team without her support.
We tried to contact her since the 24 of February. All I know is that she is
safe, but maybe anyone of you already talked with her. Understandably, in
this situation, this project wouldn't be a priority. We all would do the

I really want this project to continue, so that our and Olga's work
wouldn't be in vain. We should decide the future of this project and maybe
try to engage new members into the team. Also, maybe it makes sense to
choose a responsible for the editing for the time being, until Olga is

Please let your thoughts in this mailing list.

Best wishes for our colleagues and friends in Ukraine. Stay safe and stay
Slava Ukraine!

Vasile Popa

Popa Vasile,
Email- popovvasile at gmail.com
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