[seedig] Input needed: SEEDIG at NRI collaborative session at 16th UN IGF

Olga Kyryliuk olga_kyryliuk at ukr.net
Wed Oct 6 15:37:08 CEST 2021

Dear All,

SEEDIG is engaged in co-organising the NRI collaborative session "Enabling local smart solutions to close the global digital divides" that will be hosted in a hybrid format at the 16th UN IGF in Katowice, Poland, on Thursday, 9 December 2021 at 12:50 UTC. The session, focused on access and inclusion, is co-organized with several other NRIs teams. A detailed description of the session can be found here.

On behalf of SEEDIG ExCom, I'm inviting you to join us in actively preparing this session and helping to ensure the session’s discussions result in good outputs. By the end of the day tomorrow, 7 October 2021, please provide your input on the following two points by sending an email to execom at seedig.net:

1) Indicate whether you are interested to be a SEEDIG-delegated speaker at this session, or whether you can recommend someone with relevant expertise. We encourage you to volunteer if you want to share the specific challenges and examples of good practices on local levels that you have faced during the last years.

2) Which specific issues do you believe are important to be raised during this session? 

Looking forward to your feedback.

Best regards,

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