[seedig] Registration open for SEEDIG 7 Series event #7 | Faces of Internet Governance in SEE+ | 29 November 2021

Olga Kyryliuk olga_kyryliuk at ukr.net
Tue Nov 16 23:33:55 CET 2021

Dear SEEDIG Community,

As the year is slowly coming to an end, so do our SEEDIG 7 Series. Join us for the 7th final event “Faces of Internet Governance in SEE+: Intergenerational Dialogue” that will take place on 29 November 2021, 16:00-17:30 CET, via Zoom. Registration is obligatory and available via this link.


Faces of Internet governance in SEE+ is an intergenerational dialogue with and about people driving change in the Internet governance (IG) field in South-Eastern Europe. For this conversation, we will host pathfinders who started developing the IG ecosystem in the region and beyond and emerging leaders from SEEDIG Youth School alumni who will have to shape its future. By bringing together prominent leaders of two generations, we will have a chance to see the evolution of career development in IG over the decades. The IG field is changing so drastically and so fast that one must permanently learn and explore new career opportunities. We will ask our guests to share how they managed the growing pressure for change and how they feel about the competition in the IG field.

The event is aimed to show the human potential of the South-Eastern European region. During the Internet governance forums, individual contribution to the development of the IG ecosystem is often overlooked by thematic discussions. At the same time, with this dialogue, we want to make a strong focus both on speakers’ success stories and their vision of the future trends in IG. The conversation will focus on how the unique journeys of our guests inform their thinking about the profession, the community development, the solutions they create, and where the industry is going next. Making a difference is always about improving your surrounding and creating opportunities for the development of local communities along with your personal growth. Our guest speakers succeeded in both.

Bogdan Manolea | Executive Director | Association for Technology and Internet - ApTI Romania
Desiree Miloshevic Evans | President of the Board of Directors | Internet Society Serbia, Belgrade Chapter
Veni Markovski | Vice-President, UN Engagement | Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) 
Andrijana Gavrilović | Digital Policy Researcher | DiploFoundation
Daniel Kalemi | Digital Youth Envoy | International Telecommunication Union (ITU)         
Ani Mkrtchyan | Head of Strategic Projects | Digitain     

Marina Bzovii | Executive Director | Moldovan Association of ICT Companies (ATIC)        

We also invite you to follow SEEDIG social media accounts on Facebook and LinkedIn for the most recent updates and support us by sharing the invite with your networks.

(on behalf of the SEEDIG Programme Committee)
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