[seedig] Internet Governance Webinar - Focus on Russia

Gergana Petrova gpetrova at ripe.net
Thu Nov 4 16:06:06 CET 2021

Dear all,

I would like to invite you to our next Internet Governance webinar which 
will take place on Wednesday, 10 November at 10-11am CET / 9-10am UTC.

The first 30 minutes would probably be less interesting for IG veterans 
- we'll go over the basics of what IG is, the muldistakeholder model, 
principles and major events.

During the second part of the session we are going to put a focus on 
Russia. We will go over recent initiatives and proposals and what they 
could mean for the information flow, infrastructure and usage of the 
Internet both in and beyond the Russian borders. We will discuss to what 
extent the pursuit for digital sovereignty is unique to Russia or 
follows a global trend. We'd love to hear from you and have you 
participte in the discussion.

Usually our webinars are only open to members, but this time we decided 
to open registration to all interested parties. If you are interested in 
joining, plese drop me a line and I will register you.

Best regards,

Gergana Petrova
External Relations

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