[seedig] Politics - off topic

Narine Khachatryan ms.narine.khachatryan at gmail.com
Fri Mar 19 15:57:34 CET 2021

Dear all,

One more explanation. Facts were not presented during the open comment
period, because ToR does not have provisions to deal with such cases.

Liljana, refrain from using intimidating  tone on the list. I have already
said you: Congratulations. I will not be answering any letters from you or
anyone coming with such intimidating tone. Not good tone for just newly
elected Exe Comm.

Regards to all,

On Fri, 19 Mar 2021, 18:48 Liljana Pecova, <liljana.pecova at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Narine,
> allow me to remind you to be *careful with words*, as you said.
> Allegations and facts are not the same. Facts were not presented during the
> open commenting period for the elections. Therefore, now it is very much
> over and continuing with such wording may be seen as an attempt to disrupt
> the integrity of the process and trustworthiness of it, which we are
> building here, within the SEEDIG initiative.
> Please reconsider whether you want to continue to do this.
> Dusan's recommendations shall be taken into consideration for drafting
> some Ethical Guidelines due to these recent developments, in order to keep
> the integrity, transparency and ethical standards of communication and
> action of all of us.
> Have a great weekend
> Liljana
> On Fri, Mar 19, 2021 at 3:25 PM Narine Khachatryan via seedig <
> seedig at lists.rnids.rs> wrote:
>> Dear all and List Admin,
>> To improve a situation with SEEDIG towards healthier environment, first
>> of all, someone should admit that disinformation was spread during
>> elections, voters were provided misleading information about candidates.
>> Then suggest and make an Amendments in ToR for such cases. Those
>> Amendments will guarantee that a future candidate would be able to file a
>> grounded complaint based on ToR.
>> Only after that, we can tackle so complicated things, as politics, being
>> "absent" or present.
>> Lastly, let everyone on this list have his or her own free mind and free
>> conscience to decide whether politics or misbehavior is present or absent.
>> Every person has his/her freedom of thought to decide it. No need for List
>> Admin dictate.
>> Best regards, Narine
>> On Fri, 19 Mar 2021, 16:33 Dušan Stojičević, <dusan at dukes.in.rs> wrote:
>>> Dear exe com, all,
>>> Regarding repeated push of politics as a topic on this list> this gave
>>> me idea to suggest to you something useful.
>>> As we are all members of many organizations, initiatives, groups, task
>>> forces… we all know that when they are temporary, there is no such firm,
>>> written rules.
>>> But, when the group or initiative grows and become 7 years old, there is
>>> a need for certain written rules for future years and growing number of
>>> members.
>>> My opinion is that this is a situation with SEEDIG, and there should be
>>> some formal procedures in order to proceed working in healthy environment.
>>> I suggest to you to check this document from Universal Acceptance
>>> Steering Group where I was vice-chair until recently -
>>> https://uasg.tech/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/UA-Expected-Standards-of-Behavior.pdf
>>> It is now obvious that we need such document, or maybe we need something
>>> stronger, like Terms and conditions for using emailing list. I will leave
>>> this suggestion to you to decide.
>>> As I well explained in my previous mail, all political discussions on
>>> this list are OFF TOPIC.
>>> So I will repeat once again: *if you want to talk about politics, wars
>>> and similar, please, choose some other list, not this one.*
>>> Also, use your energy wisely, as Haris said, and contribute to many
>>> projects in SEEDIG, like SEEsummary.
>>> Thanks for understanding,
>>> Cheers,
>>> Dusan
>>> *From:* Charalampos Kyritsis [mailto:haris.kiritsis at gmail.com]
>>> *Sent:* 19. март 2021. 13:25
>>> *To:* Narine Khachatryan <ms.narine.khachatryan at gmail.com>
>>> *Cc:* Dušan Stojičević <dusan at dukes.in.rs>; Seedig <seedig at rnids.rs>
>>> *Subject:* Re: [seedig] Politics - off topic
>>> Dear Narine,
>>> The SEEsumary is produced every month by an editorial team that works on
>>> a voluntary basis. If you feel something is related to internet governance
>>> and has to be in the next seesummary (or you feel something is missing) you
>>> can report it to the editorial team ( editors[at]seedig[dot]net ), or you
>>> can sign up to be part of editorial team so you can contribute directly and
>>> empower this amazing action.
>>> I also quote the editorial note that is in the footer of the seesummary:
>>>  The SEEsummary is produced on a best effort basis, by our team of
>>> volunteer editors and contributors. Each month, the editors scan local and
>>> regional media, as well as websites of public institutions and other
>>> organisations, and compile what they find to be some of the most
>>> significant digital policy developments.
>>> The SEEsummary does not claim to be a comprehensive source of
>>> information. Despite our efforts, we may miss some things happening across
>>> the region. To help us cover as many significant developments as possible,
>>> we invite you to share with us news from your countries.
>>> Best,
>>> Charalampos
>>> On Fri, Mar 19, 2021 at 1:51 PM Narine Khachatryan via seedig <
>>> seedig at lists.rnids.rs> wrote:
>>> Dear list admin,
>>> One more comment, as I have not previously noticed your text in bold
>>> about politics being absent from the IG world.
>>> I don't think politics has been absent from SEE IG for 2 reasons.
>>> First reason.
>>> I have read nearly all SEE Newsletters from September till today and I
>>> have not found even one story about numerous cyber attacks on Armenian
>>> Internet users and Armenian websites, performed by hackers and troll
>>> factories of neighbouring country(ies).
>>> I have not seen even one report from September till today about huge
>>> data theft and data leaks from Armenia during and after the war.
>>> I have not read even one report from September till today about Facebook
>>> ban of troll factories in neighboring countries, targeting Armenian users,
>>> which was widely reported by international media.
>>> I have not read even one report from September till today about flood of
>>> information attacks on Armenians (hate speech, glorification of murder and
>>> crime, etc), performed with the usage of technology and the Internet.
>>> Therefore, I leave it to you to interpreat your own statement about
>>> politics "being absent from SEE IG" and to find yourself the hidden reasons
>>> behind both your statement and the biased reporting of your newsletter.
>>> Regards,
>>> Narine
>>> On Thu, 18 Mar 2021, 19:53 Narine Khachatryan, <
>>> ms.narine.khachatryan at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Greetings everyone,
>>> I would like to thank the people who voted for me. I do not know your
>>> names, but very much grateful for your trust and value your votes
>>> particularly highly, because I consider them given not just to me, but my
>>> country, Armenia.
>>> Armenia is suffering too much now, not being recovered from a war
>>> imposed by neighboring dictatorships to satisfy ambitions of some and
>>> thirst for money and power of others.
>>> You at SEEDIG perhaps have read international media accounts about the
>>> blood-thirsty dictators who sent terrorists to cleanse our people from
>>> their homes and homeland, dreaming of ultimately destroying our statehood.
>>> In that context not having a seat in the SEEDIG Exe Comm seems a very
>>> terrible signal to me, personally.
>>> Secondly, I find it important to inform the list about grounded doubts
>>> in the accuracy of the election process. As during the voting period voters
>>> (who do not know me personally) have been misinformed about my affiliation:
>>> 'Name and Organisation' fields of the SEEDIG website displayed 'Narine
>>> Khachatryan, Serbian Human Rights Defending Office', which is a pure
>>> disinformation of voters. I was born in Armenia, live and work in Armenia,
>>> never have worked in the human rights field of Serbia.  Therefore, I cannot
>>> agree that the process is accurate, objective, even if misleading
>>> information was spread unintentionally (as I was told).
>>> There have been other errors and mistakes too: in emails, in the
>>> Election Calendar, mismatch between information provided by Election
>>> Committee emails and the SEEDIG website, in dates, etc. My request and
>>> complaint to the Election Committee is to make an amendment in the ToR for
>>> such cases, described above. For the future.
>>> For now my deep gratitude to people who voted for Armenia. For her now
>>> the word 'S' stands not for success, it stands for suppression, surrender
>>> and suffering.  Suffering. Hope for SEEDIG, 'S' will never stay for
>>> stupidity.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Narine
>>> p.s. Ucha, thank you for taking that role.
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