[seedig] Politics - off topic

Dušan Stojičević dusan at dukes.in.rs
Fri Mar 19 13:32:23 CET 2021

Dear exe com, all,


Regarding repeated push of politics as a topic on this list> this gave me idea to suggest to you something useful.

As we are all members of many organizations, initiatives, groups, task forces… we all know that when they are temporary, there is no such firm, written rules. 

But, when the group or initiative grows and become 7 years old, there is a need for certain written rules for future years and growing number of members. 

My opinion is that this is a situation with SEEDIG, and there should be some formal procedures in order to proceed working in healthy environment.

I suggest to you to check this document from Universal Acceptance Steering Group where I was vice-chair until recently - https://uasg.tech/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/UA-Expected-Standards-of-Behavior.pdf


It is now obvious that we need such document, or maybe we need something stronger, like Terms and conditions for using emailing list. I will leave this suggestion to you to decide.


As I well explained in my previous mail, all political discussions on this list are OFF TOPIC. 

So I will repeat once again: if you want to talk about politics, wars and similar, please, choose some other list, not this one.

Also, use your energy wisely, as Haris said, and contribute to many projects in SEEDIG, like SEEsummary.


Thanks for understanding,





From: Charalampos Kyritsis [mailto:haris.kiritsis at gmail.com] 
Sent: 19. март 2021. 13:25
To: Narine Khachatryan <ms.narine.khachatryan at gmail.com>
Cc: Dušan Stojičević <dusan at dukes.in.rs>; Seedig <seedig at rnids.rs>
Subject: Re: [seedig] Politics - off topic


Dear Narine,

The SEEsumary is produced every month by an editorial team that works on a voluntary basis. If you feel something is related to internet governance and has to be in the next seesummary (or you feel something is missing) you can report it to the editorial team ( editors[at]seedig[dot]net ), or you can sign up to be part of editorial team so you can contribute directly and empower this amazing action. 

I also quote the editorial note that is in the footer of the seesummary:

 The SEEsummary is produced on a best effort basis, by our team of volunteer editors and contributors. Each month, the editors scan local and regional media, as well as websites of public institutions and other organisations, and compile what they find to be some of the most significant digital policy developments.
The SEEsummary does not claim to be a comprehensive source of information. Despite our efforts, we may miss some things happening across the region. To help us cover as many significant developments as possible, we invite you to share with us news from your countries.






On Fri, Mar 19, 2021 at 1:51 PM Narine Khachatryan via seedig <seedig at lists.rnids.rs <mailto:seedig at lists.rnids.rs> > wrote:

Dear list admin, 


One more comment, as I have not previously noticed your text in bold about politics being absent from the IG world.


I don't think politics has been absent from SEE IG for 2 reasons. 


First reason. 


I have read nearly all SEE Newsletters from September till today and I have not found even one story about numerous cyber attacks on Armenian Internet users and Armenian websites, performed by hackers and troll factories of neighbouring country(ies).


I have not seen even one report from September till today about huge data theft and data leaks from Armenia during and after the war. 


I have not read even one report from September till today about Facebook ban of troll factories in neighboring countries, targeting Armenian users, which was widely reported by international media. 


I have not read even one report from September till today about flood of information attacks on Armenians (hate speech, glorification of murder and crime, etc), performed with the usage of technology and the Internet.


Therefore, I leave it to you to interpreat your own statement about politics "being absent from SEE IG" and to find yourself the hidden reasons behind both your statement and the biased reporting of your newsletter. 





On Thu, 18 Mar 2021, 22:56 Dušan Stojičević, <dusan at dukes.in.rs <mailto:dusan at dukes.in.rs> > wrote:

Dear all,


There are good Armenians, and bad Armenians, same as good Azerbaijani and bad Azerbaijani people. Same as good Serbs, and bad Serbs… same for any other nation in SEE.

During this election process, we were voting for persons, not for the countries or nations. It was not a criteria in the ToR.
SEEDIG is a place without politics, and we equally accept both – Armenians and Azerbaijani people. 

SEEDIG is a place where we discuss IG, not wars, not politics. Maybe, sometimes, we can mention Putin, Biden, Sorina or Trump, for the sake of joke. 

And why we are not discussing politics is well explained in UN resolution for IGF. 


SEEDIG list is not a place for discussing wars, politics, dictators, their desires and whatever similar. All of this is off topic. 

If you still want to continue to talk off topic, please, use some other mailing list, not this one.


For mistakes in election process, I believe there was 7 days for complaints. No one complained. Election process is over. 

We are learning from mistakes and we are constantly developing further to be better. No one is perfect. 

But politics never have any role in the election process.


Thank you for understanding.



list admin



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Charalampos Kyritsis

Twitter: @HKyritsis <https://twitter.com/HKyritsis?s=09> 

LinkedIn:  <https://www.linkedin.com/in/kyritsis-charalampos/> Kyritsis Charalampos

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