[seedig] Reminder: SEEDIG 7 open calls for issues and Programme Committee volunteers

Olga Kyryliuk olga_kyryliuk at ukr.net
Thu Jan 28 19:23:56 CET 2021

Dear SEEDIG Community,

Many thanks to those who have been among the first to respond to our calls for issues and volunteers to a Programme Committee.

We encourage all of you to spend just a few minutes of your time to share with us what topics you'd like to see in SEEDIG 7 programme. It is crucial for us to design the annual meeting around the issues of utmost importance and relevance to you as a community and your respective countries. The call for issues will remain open until 15 February 2021, but please do not leave it till the last moment. 

If you feel you'd like to contribute even in a more meaningful way, please consider applying for SEEDIG 7 Programme Committee (PC). The call for volunteers is open until 5 February 2021.

You can find more information about the above calls and the overall SEEDIG 7 planning process by visiting a dedicated webpage.

Tomorrow when enjoying your morning cup of coffee, remember about SEEDIG and send us your suggestions. We'll be waiting!

Best wishes,
(on behalf of the Executive Committee)

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