[seedig] Reminder: Call for volunteers for Election Committee - Partial elections for SEEDIG Executive Committee

Olga Kyryliuk olga_kyryliuk at ukr.net
Thu Jan 14 12:53:33 CET 2021

Dear Haris and Ioana,

Many thanks for your prompt replies and volunteering to serve on the Election Committee for the upcoming partial elections for SEEDIG Executive Committee. We highly appreciate your pro-active position.

Dear SEEDIG Community,

We would also like to kindly remind you that there is still one more seat to be filled in the Election Committee. We are looking forward to receiving your expressions of interest by Friday, 15 January 2021, end of the day.

(on behalf of SEEDIG Executive Committee)

13 января 2021, 11:54:17, от "Ioana Stupariu" <stupariu_ioana at phd.ceu.edu>:

Dear all,

Happy new year everyone! Happy to help with the new elections process and I volunteer to join the elections committee.

All the best,

Ioana Stupariu
SJD Candidate - International Business Law
Central European University
Department of Legal Studies
Nador u. 11, 1051 Budapest, Hungary
Phone: +40744251228
Stupariu_Ioana at phd.ceu.edu | www.ceu.edu

From: seedig <seedig-bounces at lists.rnids.rs> on behalf of Charalampos Kyritsis via seedig <seedig at lists.rnids.rs>
Sent: Monday, January 11, 2021 11:51 PM
To: Sorina Teleanu <sorina.teleanu at seedig.net>
Cc: SEEDIG list <seedig at rnids.rs>
Subject: Re: [seedig] Partial elections for SEEDIG Executive Committee: Call for volunteers for Election Committee & Election calendar
Dear Sorina, dear Seedigers! I wish a wonderful new year to all! 
Im also volunteering to join the election committee :).
Have a goodnight and a great day ahead, 

Haris ( Charalampos Kyritsis) 

On Mon, Jan 11, 2021, 17:26 <sorina.teleanu at seedig.net> wrote:
Dear SEEDIG community,
As announced previously on the mailing list, a partial election process for two seats on the Executive Committee (currently occupied by Lianna Galstyan and myself) is due, in line with the Executive Committee Terms of Reference (ToR). SEEDIG community members who meet the criteria outlined in art 6.12 of the ToR are eligible for election for the two seats.
According to art. 6.1, 6.2 and 6.5 in the ToR, we are hereby launching this partial election process by announcing the election calendar and launching a call for volunteers to serve on the Election Committee. 
1. Election calendar
Please find here the calendar for the overall election process: https://seedig.net/partial-elections-2021/#calendar.
2. Call for volunteers to serve on the Election Committee
As per art.6 - section B of the ToR, the election process is to be managed by a three-member Election Committee. The main tasks of the Committee are outlined at https://seedig.net/partial-elections-2021/#committee.
SEEDIG community members willing to volunteer for the Election Committee are invited to express their interest via this mailing list, by Friday, 15 January 2021, end of day. A simple expression of interest is enough, no elaborated motivation letters are required. 
Kindly note that the seats on the Election Committee are to be filled in on a first come first served basis. Those who plan to run for elections are disqualified from volunteering or appointment on the Election Committee. The Committee may also include observers from among SEEDIG partners/supporting organisations (as per art. 6.8). 
With this, the election process is officially open. More detail about the process – including a set of guidelines and frequently asked questions – are available on the dedicated page: https://seedig.net/partial-elections-2021. Should you have questions, please raise them via this list. 
Best regards,
(on behalf of the Executive Committee)
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