[seedig] SEEDIG 2020 report available

sorina.teleanu at seedig.net sorina.teleanu at seedig.net
Tue Feb 9 10:30:10 CET 2021

Dear SEEDIG community,

On behalf of the Executive Committee, I am glad to share with you a new 
SEEDIG resource that has just been published: the report for the SEEDIG 
2020 cycle, available at https://seedig.net/annual-report-2020/.

The report provides information about activities carried out at SEEDIG 
between October 2019 and December 2020, including the SEEDIG 6 meeting 
(preparatory process, meeting overview, messages, stats), capacity 
development programmes (Youth School, SIDI, Internship Programme), the 
COVID-19 tracking apps project, the monthly _SEEsummary_, etc.

Although the 2020 cycle was a challenging one, this report shows that 
SEEDIG has managed to adapt to the challenges, while continuing and 
advancing its work on multiple levels. We thank all those who have 
contributed to the various activities, and we hope the 2021 cycle will 
see even more engagement.

Best regards,

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