[seedig] SEEDIG 6: Join us for Day 4 & Original website restored

Olga Kyryliuk olga_kyryliuk at ukr.net
Thu Sep 24 09:48:09 CEST 2020

Dear SEEDIG Community,

Day 4 at SEEDIG 6 is about trust and security, digital cooperation, and art and digital technologies. We look forward to the discussions and to seeing you online. Check the meeting programme for details on each main session and creative track we have planned for the day.

To join the meeting via Zoom, please go to our interactive programme, locate the session/track you are interested in, and click on Join Zoom Meeting. 

Those of you who previously registered for SEEDIG 6 have already received password to join the Zoom room this morning (if you haven't please check the spam and promotions folders).

If you haven't registered, you still can do so by filling a very simple form at https://seedig.typeform.com/to/MSajfduQ. You can also follow the discussions via the live stream on YouTube and Facebook Live.

Please, remember that main sessions and creative tracks are held in distinct meeting halls and you need to switch between them (i.e. there are different links, but the same password).

Don’t forget to go through the Technical Accessibility Guidelines for more details on how to follow the meeting and contribute to the discussions. And make sure you check the Code of Conduct, which is mandatory for all SEEDIG 6 participants. All these are available on the meeting website.

If you have any questions, please contact us at seedig at diplomacy.edu.

(on behalf of SEEDIG 6 Team)

Today's programme at a glance
(all times are in CEST)
11:00 – 12:00 | Privacy and data protection in SEE+ during the COVID-19 pandemic Main session | SEEdigital Hall Join Zoom meeting 
14:00 – 14:20 | SEEtalk: The Roadmap for digital cooperation: what next? Creative track | SEEcreative Hall Join Zoom meeting 
14:30 – 14:50 | SEEtalk: Elections security Creative track | SEEcreative Hall Join Zoom meeting 
15:00 – 15:45 | Cybercrime and the security of critical infrastructures Main session | SEEdigital Hall Join Zoom meeting 
16:00 – 17:00 | Art, VR & digital policy Creative track | SEEcreative Hall Join Zoom meeting

P.S.1 As of today, the SEEDIG 6 original website is again available and we encourage you to use it (especially the interactive programme tool).

P.S.2 If you have trouble accessing this website or if you prefer to continue using the alternative website, please feel free to do so, as we keep it updated as well.
P.S.3 Please add these email addresses – seedig at diplomacy.edu and seedig at seedig.net – to your contacts list, so our emails don't get lost in the 'promotions' or 'spam' folders.

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