[seedig] SEEDIG6 Stats and Messages Out!

Su Sonia Herring s.sonia.h at gmail.com
Thu Oct 15 12:05:32 CEST 2020

Dear all,

We are pleased to announce that SEEDIG6's, our first ever virtual event, key
messages and statistics are now available
<https://2020.seedig.net/messages-stats/> :)

As you all know the discussions throughout the week are reflected in key
messages, outlining main takeaways, possible goals, and proposals for
future actions. The messages represent the main output of the meeting.
Through wide distribution, at regional, European and international level,
they are meant to help inform and influence decision-making processes
within governmental entities, national parliaments, companies, and regional

We invite you to read these Messages and help us share them within and
beyond the region.

Also attaching the infographic here in case you'd like to share with your
networks via email or social media.

Have a great week!

Su Sonia Herring
on behalf of the Executive Committee
YouTube <http://youtube.com/c/SoniaHerring> | LinkedIn
<http://linkedin.com/in/suherring> | Twitter <https://twitter.com/susotti>
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