[seedig] SEEDIG, IG Webinar and others

Gergana Petrova gpetrova at ripe.net
Thu Oct 1 14:35:46 CEST 2020

Hi all,

I hope you had a good rest after last week's exciting event. 
Congratulations to both the organisers and participants for this 
engaging and interactive meeting!

Although not covering the full depth and length of the event, I've 
shared my thoughts and impressions on a few sessions online. Whether you 
attended or not, your thoughts and comments would be appreciated:

Moving on to some non-SEEDIG topics, I wanted to share with you another 
regional report we did - this time focusing on Central Asia. The 
territory is outside of SEE, but similarly covers a diverse region that 
rarely gets much attention in international fora:

Lastly, I want to let you know that we are again organising our regular 
Internet Governance webinars. In the first half we will talk about what 
Internet Governance is and identify the current key issues and dilemmas. 
In the second half, my colleague Dr. Chafic Chaya will talk about his 
PhD thesis examining the relationship between the multi-stakeholder 
Internet governance model and the economic growth in a country.

When: Tuesday, 13 October at 09:00-10:00 UTC


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Best regards,

Gergana Petrova
External Relations

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