[seedig] Results of voting on ToR amendments and next steps

Olga Kyryliuk olga_kyryliuk at ukr.net
Fri Nov 13 16:22:27 CET 2020

Dear All,

Firstly, we want to thank all those who showed their active position in the SEEDIG community and participated in the voting on the amendments to the Executive Committee’s ToR.

Secondly, the voting is over now and the proposed amendments are considered as passed with 19 votes ‘for’, and 0 votes ‘against’ or ‘abstaining’. While acknowledging your busy schedules, we hope that there will be more community engagement in future SEEDIG-related processes. 

Now the Executive Committee will update the ToR, including respective page on the website. We will also start putting together the election calendar and share it with you once ready. Meanwhile, we encourage you to start thinking whether you’d like to volunteer for the Election Committee, run yourself or nominate someone for the seat on the Executive Committee. You’ll be able to submit a nomination once the election cycle is launched.

(on behalf of the Executive Committee)
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