[seedig] SEEDIG 6 to be held online

Desara Dushi desaradushi at gmail.com
Tue May 26 20:41:18 CEST 2020

Dear SEEDIG community members,

After reviewing different options for SEEDIG 6 over the past weeks with our
local partners in Moldova, in view of the still unstable situation caused
by the COVID-19 global pandemic, the Executive Committee and the Programme
Committee have taken the final decision to conduct this year's meeting
fully online.

We take the health and the commitment of everyone involved in SEEDIG very
seriously. We want to thank you for your patience and your understanding as
we adapt to the reality around us.

While the content of the programme
<https://seedig.net/seedig6-programme/> remains
the same, the structure and format will change and we do not intend to have
a full two-day online event. *As we are looking into how to best adapt
SEEDIG 6 to an online setting, we invite you to share your thoughts and
suggestions via this **online form* <https://seedig.typeform.com/to/rkaJdv>
*. *We would be very much interested in knowing your opinions and
suggestions on how we can make the best out of the first SEEDIG online

We also want to thank our hosts in Moldova – ATIC and Tekwill, who have
been assisting us in every step, including with updates on the current
situation. We are glad to inform you that they have expressed their
willingness to remain our hosts for the SEEDIG 7 *in situ *meeting.

We will keep you informed on all next steps, changes and adjustments.

Stay safe and healthy!

Desara Dushi

(on behalf of the SEEDIG Executive Committee)
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