[seedig] Internet and digital policy in SEE+ | March 2020

SEEDIG Editorial Team sorina.teleanu at seedig.net
Tue Mar 31 20:33:00 CEST 2020

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** SEEsummary Issue 36

** Published on 31 March 2020

Curious to know what has happened recently in South Eastern Europe and the neighbouring area (SEE+) in terms of Internet governance and digital policy? Our team of editors has made it all easier and collected main developments in the March 2020 issue of the SEEsummary. As you may expect, many of this month's updates focus on the connections between digital policy issues and the COVID-19 outbreak.

Among the main headlines:
* Slovenia puts 5G plans on hold over environmental concerns
* Public institutions in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina fell victims to hacking attacks
* CERT-RO contributes to the disruption of Necurs, the largest world botnet
* Georgia joins NATO’s Malware Information Sharing Platform
* UNESCO establishes its first International AI Research Centre in Slovenia
* Serbian Parliament ratifies the Convention 108+ on data protection
* Greece, Romania and Serbia launch online portals to help citizens during COVID-19
* Telecom operators in SEE+ react to the COVID-19 crisis
* As governments take measure against the COVID-19 outbreak, human rights concerns are raised
* Governments in SEE+ fight against disinformation and spread of panic during COVID-19
* Also included: a list of free online courses and tools for remote work and an overview of upcoming capacity development and engagement opportunities for SEE+ stakeholders.

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The SEEsummary, published on a regular basis since September 2016, has reached 35 issues. As we continue to keep you up-to-date with the main Internet and digital policy developments in SEE+, we would welcome your suggestions (mailto:editors at seedig.net) on how to enhance the SEEsummary and keep it relevant.
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Comments on this issue are also welcome.
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Aiming for a healthy, sustainable and inclusive digital advancement of SEE+

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