[seedig] NRI' Assembly Re: [European_NRI] IGF MKD Legal entity formation

Aleksandar Icokaev icokaev at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 10 19:40:58 CEST 2020

Dear all, in particular all of you that have attended or followed the virtual NRI's assembly this afternoon at EuroDIG 2020.

First of all, congrats to the Secretariat!   We are supposed to be "the veterans" in this,  but technical hick-ups are always just around the corner..  Nevertheless, Great session and great kick-off ! 

This is  a quick follow up of my addressing at the assembly regarding the topic - NRI's legal entities and further to my email below. 
I apologize for disconnecting during the session due to roter  failure.  However, as a lawyer I more appreciate writte /  formal  track record. 

Regardless of how small country we are  or how ( not that ) significat we maight be as a community, we  are trying to be that small rock in the mozaik of the European NRI's.  We literaly brought to life the slogan ( bringing the voice from global / regional to local level and vice vresa with  the foundation of the Macedonian* national initiative IIGF MKD as an informal gethering of individuals  three years ago and now as IGF MKD as legal entity. 

I suppose we were lucky to keep alive the interest of the academia ( we have 3 university Professors in the founding core of the Legal Entity... )  However the busines stakeholder is represented but as Peter Koch from the German IGF mentioned we also have members who are not able to be recorded as foundong members in the registration due to restrictions in their manager agreement or employment agreement with some goverment agency. 

What is important from our local prospective is the following: 

The process in neither fast nor easy... it requeres time to identfy pros and cons of functioning as a informal initative and the need of steping up to a nehte level which a legal entity brings...  Of course there is a proces of positive selection of the people for tem work and ability to cope with challenges and stress that organization of an annual event brings and functioning troughout the year

Finally, from the institutional point ( representation and recognition ) funds management , transparency and accountability,  legal entity gives the safer ground for long term planing and contiunity... linked to the entity and not to certain individuals only ...  

There are many digressions we can tackle right now from raeching out and engagement of young people / students to influencing the governments and decision makers ( parliamentarians ) with the recomendations on a local and regional level or their active involvemet as stakeholder group. 

I salute what Sandra have mentioned,  the idea about kind of  NRI assembly on a global level where NRI's can share the best practices.  We still can not say we have a practice, but one thing is sure, we have overcome the major milestone and succedded to register the legal entity.  Hopefully the practice to follow will be good example for the other NRI's.

Thank you for your atention and wishing you all successful EuroDIG 2020.   	


> On Jun 8, 2020, at 15:39, Aleksandar Icokaev via European_NRI <european_nri at list.eurodig.org> wrote:
> Dear colleagues, dear friends, 
> It gives me a great pleasure to inform you that IGF MKD has finalized the procedure for registration of the legal entity.   
> In compliance with the local legislation,  the full name of the national IG initiative is:  “Association for promotion and rising the awareness about the Internet Governance issues, IGF MKD Skopje”.  Short name: IGF MKD.
> Registration of the legal entity was a project that took us several months, started in late 2019 right after the third edition of the national IGF forum held on 28 October and early 2020 in discussions about the structure of the statute, the governance model, etc..  
> Following the ongoing discussions on a sub-regional, regional and global level, the effort that is put in identifying the right format of organization for  the NRI’s,  the recognized need by many of us in these discussions that a legal structure would be significant improvement or at least an attempt to address the issues NRI’s have been faced with in the recent years, ( funding, organization stricture, steering bodies, transparency, accountability, inclusion, and all this by respecting the multi-stakeholder approach/model ) ,  we believe IGF MKD has assembled relevant representatives from different stakeholder groups in our country. 
> The governance model we have chosen for IGF MKD has two tiers, a chairman - coordinator ( according to the current  UN nomenclature )  and a supervisory board, both acc. to the local legal regulations.  The members assembly is the highest decision making body which elects  the governance structure...
> Our NRI now has its bank account and official registered seat in the premises of FINKI - the Faculty of Computer Science & Engineering in Skopje, str. Ruger Boskovic 16, 1000 Skopje. 
> The founding members are people who have been active from the very beginning of IGF MKD in 2017 - the first annual meeting and all consecutive meetings in 2018 and 2019,  people who vested great amount of their time and energy and demonstrated team work, despite many professional obligations and challenges.  Without their enthusiasm, trust and patience,  IGF MKD would not get where is today. 
> The current composition of IGF MKD founding core ( the members assembly ) is:  
> Prof.  Mr.  Ansatas Mishev, PhD,  Faculty of Computer Sciences and cybernetics  – Skopje , State University St. Cyril and Methodius and Board member at MARNet - the ccTLD registry .mk & .МКД. - Stakeholder Academia 
> Prof. Ms. Neda Zdraveva, PhD,  Vice Dean at the Faculty of Law – Skopje, State University St. Cyril and Methodius. - Stakeholder Academia
> Prof. Mr. Boro Jakimovski, PhD,  Vice Dean at Faculty of Computer Sciences and cybernetics  – Skopje , State University St. Cyril and Methodius  - Stakeholder Academia
> Ms. Nikica Kusinikova  Executive Director - Association  Konekt   -  Stakeholder  Civil Society
> Mrs. Eli Mufisovski | Global Manager  -  React Online Enforcement Program & Regional Director React Balkan - Stakeholder Private sector
> Mr. Predrag Tasevski  SEEDIG 6 Program committee member https://predragtasevski.com/ <https://predragtasevski.com/>  -   Stakeholder Private sector
> Mrs. Sanja Simonova MARNet ( ccTLD registry .mk & .МКД ) -   Stakeholder Government
> Mr. Marko Paloski SEEDIG Editorial Team and Youth School Organization member -  Stakeholder Private sector
> Mr. Aleksandar Ichokjaev  ( Attorney at Law  -  Of counsel at DDK Attorney’s at Law Skopje )  - Stakeholder Private sector
> Supervisory Board:
> Anastas Mishev, ( IGF MKD Supervisory Board Chair )  
> Nikica Kusinikova ( Supervisory Board member ) 
> Eli Mufisovski  ( Supervisory Board member ) 
> Coordinator:   Aleksandar Ichokjaev  
> I believe this "fresh blood", these new voices will bring new quality in the collaboration between the NRI’s and in interpersonal relations in these groups in particular.
> Last but not least, I’m kindly asking the administrators of this mailing groups to include email addresses of IGF MKD founding members – here in CC or and help them to sign in ( many of them are in this list already and I’m appealing for the ones who are not ) !  
> Best regards from Skopje  and best of luck with EuroDIG 2020  See you there! 
> Aleksandar Ichokjaev 
> IGF MKD Coordinator 
> -- 
> European_NRI mailing list
> European_NRI at list.eurodig.org
> https://list.eurodig.org/mailman/listinfo/european_nri

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