[seedig] Fwd: Letter to SEEDIG community
Dusan Stojicevic
dusan at dukes.in.rs
Sat Jan 18 23:30:26 CET 2020
Thanks, and if you want me to remind you, I will. Just ask.
Still, I am not a lawyer, just elephant in the room. But elephants have
very good memory (and skills to search list archive for the facts) ;)
sub, 18. jan 2020. 22:23 Aleksandar Icokaev <icokaev at yahoo.com> je
> Dusan, at least you made one thing clear. You proved yourself to be a more
> skilled lawyer than me ... from all this crossposting, my point is totally
> "lost in translation ..." Impressive !!! Even I can't tell you now what I
> was talking about in my opening remarks ... my initial email from yesterday
> ...
> You don't need ... lawyers.
> Cheers to you too! :)
> AI
> On Jan 18, 2020, at 21:38, Dušan Stojičević <dusan at dukes.in.rs> wrote:
> Dear Aleksandar,
> I feel you. I felt the same when I was asking friendly, with some jokes to
> make it softer, a year ago – where is the financial report. And when my
> questions lose the meaning and stayed unanswered for more than a year, I
> decided to write the same questions calling upon ToR. Before that, calling
> upon ToR was “good” until some people were touched. Until then, everything
> was fine. Personally, I didn’t interfere in Fotjon’s complaints, just in
> Caf’s intervention, and again I felt the same – there is nothing until you
> call on ToR. Because, people doesn’t understand what I am talking about,
> same feeling that you had in first WG on Statute – and my words were not
> heard for over a year. But – as you see, the nature of ToR is not only for
> exe com members, it’s on all of us to follow until legal entity. So, it is
> a form of a Statute, and every call to avoid ToR is not acceptable for me.
> Now, I don’t want to be a lawyer here, and I am not putting you in any
> basket. People can change opinion, maybe me, maybe you. And we are not here
> on trial, just talking and discussing. Calling upon ToR is what Fotjon did,
> what Caf did, and it was all ok – when it was in their favor. Suddenly,
> when it’s not, in my petition, suddenly it’s a “disgraceful stage” where we
> should forget about the ToR and others on the list. Sorry, I don’t see it
> that way. Everything what was happening these months was covered by ToR.
> And I do think that ToR is more than ok, and we should use the ToR.
> Just personal feelings of HOW and WHEN we call ToR are making what you may
> call “disgraceful atmosphere” or “where we are”. And You said Fotjon wrote
> very good legal complaint, but mine was disgraceful. Do you think that
> other people see this differently? Like – for me it’s lame and disgraceful
> for a man to complaint on gender balance. Ever. Even if it’s written in
> ToR, Constitution or UN declaration. But he did. And I felt that this
> complaint is disgraceful. Because of my hurt feelings, I should reacted
> back then with “disgraceful atmosphere” and “all of you should resign”,
> like you are doing now? Was that a solution?
> Similar when You wasn’t elected in Ambassadors program – remember what you
> wrote as last sentence in your complaint (it is in archive)? You said (not
> a quote) that Elvis Presley left IG building. It was something meaningful
> for you, that Ambassadors position. It’s not paid, but it’s a position that
> mean something for you. Now, we should say – Elvis Presley is back in IG
> building. ;) And obviously, you are still hurt. But – you were in many
> bodies in SEEDIG, right? Election committee. Member of WG for Statute.
> Maybe others, I don’t know. And there is a long line of new members for
> those positions (currently 225 members) – shall we give opportunity to all
> of them to try some roles when it’s possible? And, just fyi, You hurt me
> when you didn’t include me in “senior” members ;)
> Few words on your view on Task Force – you are talking about writing
> Statute, and I am talking about the principles. Members of the community
> write principles, lawyers write Statute based on those principles. To use
> your analogy – members of exe com chose the color and theme and content for
> the website, but web admin and designers are there to make this on the
> website. Copy pasting is not what I would suggest until we don’t know the
> principles. We can copy paste at the end the Statute of World fisherman
> society if we find the same principles in their Statute ;)
> At the end, the problem is not in ToR. It’s in feelings. Feelings wrote
> those blogs, feelings wrote many things here, your starting email in this
> thread and – feelings can create a huge fog. Only with facts you can find a
> good path through the fog and, of course, by using ToR.
> Cheers,
> Dusan
> p.s. – I know some lawyers who are good programmers for certain tasks and
> I call them to make some programming for me, just FYI.
> *From:* Aleksandar Icokaev [mailto:icokaev at yahoo.com <icokaev at yahoo.com>]
> *Sent:* 18. јануар 2020. 18:49
> *To:* Dušan Stojičević <dusan at dukes.in.rs>
> *Cc:* 'SEEDIG list' <seedig at rnids.rs>
> *Subject:* Re: [seedig] Letter to SEEDIG community
> Resending due to delivery failure notice...
> Dear Dusan,
> Calling upon the ToR brought us where we are ... in my opinion the ToR
> should have been only an elementary guideline for the Exe Com , until the
> legal entity is established , it is correct that the necessity for LE was
> acknowledged some years w and the WG was formed but again im my perspective
> it didn’t produce anything out of sevey reasons, Lack of will to work on a
> complex document , first dispute was the jurisdiction and again my personal
> perception, a single ( practicing lawyer ) cannot swim in an aquarium
> where the most and biggest fish are engineers, linguists, NGO high ranked
> officers... we simply don’t speak the same language ... would you accept me
> to write computer program with you... ?
> There are good examples, practices, we have legal entity IGF Italy,
> EuroDIG statute , we do not need to invent hot water now .. of course there
> are specifics but im sure lawyers from within the community can address
> these with the help of the most experienced members, exe com members
> willing to advice and suggest....
> So in legal/ lawyers terminology, I have “ nothing further to add “. The
> defense or prosecution rests- depends how you want to see me as Im
> defending or accusing someone! If you ask me, none of the two...
> Probably this threads will end up just a wishful thinking that SEEDIG can
> start a new chapter with general elections as an act of reconciliation and
> letting the new organization structure to continue without leftovers or
> tails ...
> Best regards from Skopje
> AI
> Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
> <https://overview.mail.yahoo.com/?.src=iOS>
> On Saturday, January 18, 2020, 18:05, Dušan Stojičević <dusan at dukes.in.rs>
> wrote:
> Thanks, Aleksandar!
> Of course, You may disagree with me, and that’s exactly your right, same
> as I disagree with your approach. Still, I am trying to talk and discuss
> topics that you bring, and I am happy that you see that, as some of others
> don’t.
> Here we have too many feelings, and too many blurred facts which tends to
> fool everyone. At the same time, we do need to find a solution for some
> problems.
> But, let us find a common ground – us two, we are stuck in the position
> what is the problem.
> 1. I see the problem in what I wrote many times on the list and
> sublimated in petition.
> 2. You see the problem written in Caf’s blogs
> When you decide what is the problem, and for me - both are (facts in the
> petition, and fake facts in the blogs), then we can try to solve it.
> You can repeat your solutions as many times you want, correct it and adapt
> it, but – without definition of problems, there is no solution.
> And clearly, when you are writing emails with personally colored (not so
> exact) facts, then – you bring more fog than solutions. That’s why fact
> checking is necessary.
> Anyway, my views are not close to yours, simply because I cannot agree
> with you on the problems:
> F.E. You don’t see the problem in delayed financial reporting, but you
> want proofs about managing the funds – which no one said it was a problem.
> Or, for example – I don’t see any problem with Task Force, WG or call it
> however you want, formed in the time when exe com was with all members and
> in full mandate. This whole story is based on fake claim that this is
> historical problem, which I explained through the facts – it’s not. It’s
> already once decided, it was hard decision to make - I agree, but we were
> able to do it and this community supported it. I don’t see any problem in
> this Task force to solve that issue once again. Above all, I don’t see that
> Task Force should be from legal background, as they don’t need to make
> Statute – they should develop principles, on which lawyers, like you, will
> write the first Statute. About jurisdiction – there is no need for a member
> to be a lawyer to know things for this decision. In fact, I doubt lawyers
> knows things like – how much is the accounting cost in Slovenia, Macedonia
> or Albania.
> And, out of curiosity - do you remember the first WG on Statute? What have
> you produce?
> Or, the partial elections are according to ToR and you, as a lawyer, are
> asking to “disobey the law” and act as ToR was never written. You “blame”
> the remaining exe com for following the ToR. Why don’t we forget the ToR
> and act on whatever we feel at that moment, like: let us write a blog about
> two years in exe com of SEEDIG, share through Twitter and…, but not here on
> this list – why this community on the list needs to know about problems?
> I know, I am rude and annoying old guy, telling things which you don’t
> like to hear... Still, it’s good to know that we can talk, and we can try
> to find common ground. Right now it seems to me that there is some common
> ground – at least we both say that there are some problems and we see that
> work on next meeting is crucial. So, let us start from there - to define
> problems and continue to work on next meeting.
> Cheers,
> Dusan
> *From:* Aleksandar Icokaev [mailto:icokaev at yahoo.com <icokaev at yahoo.com>]
> *Sent:* 18. јануар 2020. 16:30
> *To:* Dušan Stojičević <dusan at dukes.in.rs>
> *Cc:* SEEDIG list <seedig at rnids.rs>
> *Subject:* Re: [seedig] Letter to SEEDIG community
> Thank for your email Dusan.
> The fact that I do not agree with your approach in dealing with matters,
> does not mean that I will stop talking to you or start ignoring you ! On
> the contrary, only trough out an open and sincere discussion we can try to
> bring our positions / views closer, as long as iin that discussion we are
> not crossing the lines... We should not aim to reach consensus in every
> problem the community may face or even worst, to deal in absolutes ...
> like "if you are not with us you are against us.. " The consensus may be
> decision making principle for the executive body ( the exe com ) but not
> for the entire community ... it is unhealthy ...
> As this group is closed email group of approved members only , I see it
> as a parliament where the community shall openly and directly discuss...
> regretfully, I see silenced discouraged community that is afraid to speak
> up openly even in this "closed group" ...
> Now, I can partly agree with you that my letter was to much colored by
> personal perspective, but as I several times repeated that is exactly my
> personal view that proved my intuition ( whenever there was lack of
> information ) to be true , unfortunately.
> Therefore, I will repeat only the bulletpoints with some modification on
> how I see possible way out of this situation...
> If the resignations may be perceived as obstruction and confusion in the
> organizational preparations for SEEDIG 6 in Moldova, I do not see any
> justified reason why rushing with the partial elections under current
> circumstances and the atmosphere in the community ...
> So, ( again in personal capacity ), once again, I'm kindly asking and
> appealing to the acting executive committee to do the following actions:
> 1. To Cancel the Partial elections for the exe com !
> 2. To focus the Entire energy of the community for the preparations of the
> SEEDIG 6 and help to the recently composed program committee in
> communication with the institutions of the host country Moldova and
> supporting organizations. thus ensuring consistency of SEEDIG goals and
> mission and continue to work the with for SEEDIG in Moldova (Sorina and
> Lianna would only have supporting rolls to the program committee already
> formed )
> 3. To set up ( an open call for ) for volunteers for New legal entity
> task force composed of members of the community with a legal background -
> preferably legal professionals and abandon very bad principle of "first
> come first served", which is counter productive. Thiis group should draft a
> Legal Entity statute providing a controlling mechanism, asap! Also a
> possibility shpild be explored to engage a legal firm ( on a pro bono
> basis ) to help in drafting the documents and collect best practices within
> the IG community , i.e experiences from NRI;s with functional legal
> structure, ( Itallian example ) the EuroDIG statute (
> https://www.eurodig.org/fileadmin/user_upload/EuroDIG_Statutes_revision_20190620.pdf
> , etc...
> 4. A new Statute of SEEDIG legal entity would be adopted no later than
> EuroDIG in Trieste or earlier and subsequently an Executive Board and
> Supervisory Board election or confirmation would be announced under the new
> Statute.
> 5. The new supervisory board would then, as a first task, look at the
> financial and other aspects of the "leftovers" of SEEDIG 2018, etc ...
> Of course , my view is not the ultimate recipe ... no individual ever had
> it
> Kind regards,
> AI
> On Jan 17, 2020, at 11:22, Dušan Stojičević <dusan at dukes.in.rs> wrote:
> Dear all,
> These kind of emails, colored by personal perspective, feelings and
> sometimes vaguely memories, deserve a fact check:
> 1. First resignation in exe com was Iliya Bazlyankov, the host of
> the very first SEEDIG meeting in Sofia. Iliya supported petition.
> 2. There was a decision made in exe com to form a legal entity in
> Serbia, Belgrade. It happened after Iliya resign, and when Sasho was
> elected as an exe com member.
> 3. This decision was supported by the community.
> 4. Then, a first WG on statute was formed – Aleksandar, You was a
> member.
> 5. Then second resignation was made by me. I didn’t attend the
> meeting in Ohrid.
> 6. Then third resignation was made by Aida and she didn’t attend
> Ohrid meeting as well.
> 7. None of these resignations was motivated by jurisdiction or legal
> entity, as it was presented in Caf blog, simply because decision was
> already made.
> 8. Public calls for any WG can be found in email archive, all what
> is formed in SEEDIG as a working structure was not formed behind the back
> of public or exe com members – you can like those bodies or not, but public
> call for them was on the list.
> 9. The petition was according to ToR. Call it disgraceful or
> whatever - Art 7 is not just some plastic flower for decoration of ToR.
> 10. First questions about the particular financial reporting for 2018.
> I raised more than a year ago.
> 11. Petition doesn’t claim that Caf was “diligent tradesman”. In fact,
> it was written quite opposite in petition. This is your perspective, which
> no one said.
> 12. Caf was not "removed”, he resigned. He had opportunity to respond
> and initiate a real voting according to ToR. Support for a petition doesn’t
> mean that people will vote for removal, after his response.
> 13. “communication with several "senior" members of the community who
> share my opinion” – can we call this, translated in Caf’s language, like
> “orchestrating”, “organizing”, “disgraceful method of organizing a
> petition” or in your language “unprecedented act for my taste that I could
> not digest.” Anyway – as an engineer, I like to know facts - who they are
> and can they confirm their positions, if You, Aleksandar, as a lawyer,
> doesn’t have their POAs (in that case, can you send the POAs). – of course
> this is sarcastic comment, which highlights that you, Aleksandar, tolerate
> when you are organizing checks for your opinions, but it’s completely
> different when someone else is doing that.
> Aleksandar, at the end one mostly legal question, as you are a lawyer and
> I need advice. You surely know the basic - that ethic is not a law, and
> vice versa. By my opinion and knowledge, “legitimacy” is not completely
> right word you should use, it’s more like “credibility”. From legal point,
> no one ask is it legit that Sorina and Lianna can continue their work –
> it’s according to ToR, they are elected and that’s clear from legal point.
> It’s more about credibility that you ask, from ethic point of view. Am I
> right? If this is right, it’s about ethic, than I must ask you to comment
> what ethic points are missed in act of not providing the financial report
> for more than a year - is it enough to resign, by the moral reasons.
> Especially after many emails on the list, asking for it. Thanks!
> You can also fact check what I wrote, in the list archive, and I presume
> that this list can clear up some things that was “mixed with feelings”.
> Ultimately, my understanding is that we all should base our discussion on
> facts, not on feelings and personal assumptions.
> Heard this on SEEDIG meetings: you should fight fake news (a.k.a.
> propaganda) with facts not feelings!
> My two cents,
> Dusan
> *From:* seedig [mailto:seedig-bounces at lists.rnids.rs
> <seedig-bounces at lists.rnids.rs>] *On Behalf Of *Liljana Pecova via seedig
> *Sent:* 15. јануар 2020. 12:50
> *To:* Aleksandar Icokaev <icokaev at yahoo.com>
> *Cc:* SEEDIG list <seedig at rnids.rs>; ichokjaev Aleksandar <
> ichokjaev at ddklaw.com.mk>
> *Subject:* Re: [seedig] Letter to SEEDIG community
> Dear Aleksandar,
> while reading this, with a cup of coffee, I can not say that this knocked
> my down form my chair. You are contradictory in many ways. While you say
> you do not want to bring down SEEDIG, yet your proposals are equally to
> diminishing all the processes and deleting whatever effort has been made by
> each one of us. If you have worked in such big communities and regional
> associations, you would probably know the feeling of transitional actions
> and steps that are like building blocks. By cutting and "cancel", and
> "resign" and whatever verbs you used, your putting a threat perception in
> the community. Please let the transition takes it time and do not bring
> down the willpower of others to make this process as painless as it can be.
> And as far I can remember you are part of the Legal group, you did not
> participate at all on our online meetings and mailing communication, so why
> don't you address these issues there, if you are trying to be constructive
> and want to raise the "legal knowledge" of this group?
> Thank you for being full of understanding
> Liljana
> On Wed, Jan 15, 2020 at 10:43 AM Aleksandar Icokaev via seedig <
> seedig at lists.rnids.rs> wrote:
> Dear Community, dear friends and colleagues,
> This will be another long email. Please take a seat, grab a cup of
> coffee or tea before reading. If you don't have time or nerves now, read
> it latter, but read it, please !
> Well, I'm really trying react and behave rationally to what is happening
> to our, SEEDIG community.
> I understand and perceive IG community as a community of free-spirited, open
> minded people which is set on the most important principles that underpin
> human positive thought like altruism, mutual respect and aiding,
> tolerance of diversity and striving to make the most out of diversity, for
> the benefit of “the community”, transparency, accountability and zero
> tolerance of any discrimination based on gender, orientation ( political ,
> sexyal , other ) , nationality, religion, age, stakeholder group, etc. ...
> I joined SEEDIG because of the cosmopolitan spirit and energy that I was
> fascinated with in my first contacts with the IG community, ICANN, ISOC,
> Global IGF., EuroDIG, Diplo Foundation , RIPE .... My first ICANN
> meeting was Brussels 2010. I got there on my own, just to meet colleagues
> I was working with on a client large domain name portfolio transfer. Infected
> with the unique spirit of ICANN I have applied several times and finally
> got selected for ICANN fellowship for the first time in 2012! Than 7
> ICANN meetings followed I met and become friend with many wonderful
> people full of life and I eventually ended up in the IPC (Intellectual
> Property Constituency) at ICANN .
> The idea for SEEDIG was born in 2014. I have followed and participated
> in the growth of this great idea from the first planning meetings in
> Sofia - January 2015, the first event in May 2015 in Sofia, then the
> SEEDIG 2 2016 in Belgrade, the third in Ohrid in 2017, the fourth 2018 in
> Ljubljana, until the 5th in Bucharest, where I did not attend, for a first
> time ...
> I don't know if Dusan Caf was acting as a “diligent tradesman” or not, for
> that, I have no enough data? As a lawyer, I want to see evidences and
> confront the facts. But the way he was "removed" speaks in support of
> his claims in his resignation emails and blog ..?!
> To understand the motives behind my letter, I will try to make / offer (
> my ) retrospective for 2017, 2018 and 2019 , or better to say a genesis
> of the current crisis... in my view.
> Already in Ohrid 2017 (SEEDIG 3) I could notice separation between the
> members of the community .... (this was before Caf became an exe. com
> member) Decisions were made in closed circles ... what was very strange for
> me at that time. This was not in the spirit how our mutual mentor at ICANN
> Fellowship Janice Lange taught us to run the things. This is where ( the
> Icann fellowship ) I met Sorina and Lianna. Than, out of a blue, one
> of the most prominent members of the organization committee for SEEDIG
> 2017 simply canceled her attendance ( A. Mahmutovic ) It was never
> cleared up what really happened and why Aida suddenly became a "persona
> non-grata" for the rest of "exe com. ”!? Since SEEDIG was being held on
> Ohrid, I knew something was very wrong.. I tried to get an explanation
> about what happened but was bypassed, to put it mildly ...
> As announced in Ohrid , at the margins of SEEDIG , that same year, ( Saso
> Dimitrjoski and me ) we managed to assemble a respectable group of
> prominent representatives of all stakeholders in our country and founded
> the IGF MKD – Internet Governance Forum for Macedonia. The very first National
> IGF in Macedonia was held in November 2017, with the great support of all
> recognized stakeholders at national level and support and recognition by
> SEEDIG, EuriDIG and of course the IGF Secretariat in Geneva!
> Somewhere at the end of the year 2017 , elections were held for the exe
> com. The new exe com was established. As a member of the election
> committee i can tel you that certain compromises were made in farour of
> gender balance and regional representation of the exe com members. Fifth
> ranked Olga K accepted the rationale and did not lodge an objecton. She
> remained an active, motivated member of the community and eventyally she
> got a respectable number of well deserved votes on the elections held two
> moths ago. Unforunately these elections are canceled and reinitiated. (
> later on i will return to the elections )
> This success at nationa level ( fondation of the IGF MKD ) and succesful
> elections for SEEDIG exe com was followed by SEEDIG 4 in Ljubljana in 2018.
> This was very good and fruitfull meeting in terms of program and with
> the institutional support of the Parliament and the Government of Slovenia…
> so, at least with me, enthusiasm increased.
> But, Sometime at the end of 2018, the SEEDIG ambassador program was
> created to help increase SEEDIG's visibility at the local - national
> level. The idea was to give to the ambassadors "recognition" / legitimacy
> when approaching authorities and other stakeholders at the national
> level. Ambassadors should also achieve visibility of SEEDIG and improve
> the opportunity for fund raising - sponsorship from stakeholder –
> business in particular. There was an announcement / call within the
> community to apply for ambassador position for the country of residence of
> each applicant. As I was one of the initiators and big supporter of the
> idea for the ambassador program I applied to become SEEDIG ambassador for
> Macedonia, from the position of one of the founders and first coordinator
> of the National IGF - IGF MKD!
> The “announcement” of the selected ambassadors followed when Olga K.
> signed an email she sent to the community , as SEEDIG Ambassador to
> Ukraine ...
> While congratulating Olga for the appointment, I did asked the exe com for
> an information about other ambassadors seats?
> Out of 11 candidates who applied , 10 ambassadors were selected, 3 from
> Romania, 2 from Albania and one from Macedonia and several other from
> other countries…
> This information was followed by my memo ( objection) asking for an
> explanation of the selection criterion, because facing with the fact that
> out of 11 applications, the only one that was not approved to become an
> ambassador was me , was offensive in the least. My objection was
> smoothly rejected, and the exe com persuaded me for (ad-hominem) attack
> on a young colleague from my country - Macedonia .... The fact is that
> exe com gave the ambassador role to last year student in computer
> sciences at Skopje university who had his first contact with SEEDIG 4 in
> 2018 in Ljubljana ... and I just said that according to the ambassador
> program propositions, this position means seniority and experience, i.e someone
> who can represent SEEDIG before the national institutions and
> stakeholders, and that this abtious young man will be great choice for
> Youth IGF ( MKD ) activities , but not for the ambassador ... you can see
> the emails from the beginning of 2019 on this topic ( only one email in
> fact because the “hot” correspondence has been transfered to direct
> communication with exe com only …) ( So this is the part where I was "hit"
> ... )
> And... if I was somehow ready to forgive but not to forget the episode
> with the ambassadors program, the "spectacle" - election for the two
> seats in the exe in November 2019 followed and woke up bed memories..
> The voting results showed that Olga K and Fotjon C are the new members of
> the exe com.
> However, led by probably practical reasons (the upcoming seedig in
> Moldova), the election committee decided to disqualify Fotjon in order
> to favorize the candidate from Moldova , Marina Bzovii.
> Fotjon C , filed an elaborated objection, a well drafted legal document
> !
> Unfortunately, the Election committee was not up to the task and to that
> level of legal communication, so they improvised in their decision and
> rationale.
> I strongly believe that a healthy community would support any reasonable
> (and even pragmatic decision) in favor of a better organization, such as
> the selection of an exe com member from a country that directly organizes
> an annual event - if that was the motive.
> My comment on the election results was that the election com. should have
> explained to the community that it was pragmatic to get an candidate from
> Moldova for exe com rather not to offer some "hard to undertand explanations
> related to ToR ..." As a valuable and constructive member of the
> community Im sure Fotjon would accept logical explanation ... Instead
> Now, we have another “disappointed” once humble member of the community that
> I don't believe will run again ...
> Then Dusan Caf “emerged out the grey…” ( his emails / blog)
> Immediately after a well-coordinated action followed , I refer to the petition
> against Dusan C. This petition was an absolutely unacceptable and unprecedented
> act for my taste that I could not digest.
> I almost forgot ... there was also a call for WG – Seedig legal entity. I
> signed up, I am on the web site as a member, but I have not received a
> single email from that WG for LE so far ... however, an information
> was sent to to the community that this WG is working and will soon share
> the first results of its work with the SEEDIG community !! ???
> All this ( above ) is my personal perspective of the situatuon in our
> community.
> *Now, **I wont to say it loud and clear in order to avoid any
> misunderstanding: *
> *I'm not against the current acting exe com Sorina and Lianna , nothing
> personally , **nor do I want to bring down SEEDIG. O**n the
> contrary !!!*
> The nature of human organizations is such that someone has to run things
> but at the same time be accountable to the organization.
> Undoubtedly, Sorina and Lianna are the driving force of SEEDIG! My hat
> down! But the amount of work vested does not entitle them to
> non-transparent decisions and to privatize the management process, removing
> people who bring quality discussion and progress sometimes with clash of
> concepts and ideas and replace them with ‘obedient characters’ - Pardon
> my French , I cannot participate in such a community! That cannot be my
> association!
> Sorina and Lianna need to restore legitimacy and trust and change their
> approach in doing things trough new elections ?? !! A wise man / woman
> once said : " An apology without a change is manipulation " !
> This change is only possible if an accountability control mechanism is
> put in place! All the laurels to Sorina but a control function must be
> established - as in e.g. a two-tier management systems of governance, a
> board of directors and a supervisory board. If we let this crisis to cool
> down ( like nothing has happened ) without “lessons learnt” it will
> only be a disservice to Sorina and Lianna and SEEDIG will eventually end
> badly, many will leave ... and one day the leaders now, may be faced
> with ungrounded accusations!
> I decided to write to you after long reconsideration and communication
> with several "senior" members of the community who share my opinion, some
> with more radical approach, some more moderate.. One is common, we all
> have too much of ourselves and our time invested in IG ... and the joint
> effort is to heal the community, not to cover up or put under the carpet
> things that are not pleasant to be heard of spoken... for everyones benefit
> . i.e the community it self !
> Now, In my personal opinion, unless IG, in this particular case SEEDIG is
> set up, as I have at first cited, as a community of free-spirited and
> open minded people, which is set on the most important principles
> underlying human positive thought, altruism, mutual respect and aiding,
> tolerance of diversity and the desire to make the most of diversity of the
> community , transparency, accountability and zero tolerance of any
> discrimination on the basis of gender, orientation, nationality, religion,
> age, membership of a stakeholder group, etc.… then we have already lost
> the“war”against fake news / disinformation / cyber crime... and we have
> handed over the Internet Governance to the Dark Net - no matter how
> pathetic and “drama queen like” this may sound…
> *Therefore, m**y suggestions are as follows:*
> 1. The acting (remaining) exe com members to resign as a moral act and a
> way to save their own dignity and the dignity of the entire community !
> 2. To cancel the ongoing exe com elections !
> 3. *To devote all energy to the SEEDIG 6 program in MD. **as an act of
> respect to the host and supporting organizations for SEEDIG in Moldova *
> *(Sori**na and Lianna would only have technical supporting rolls to the
> program committee already formed )*
> 4. To set up a *New* legal entity task force composed of members of the
> community with a legal background (not under a first come first serve -
> which is a bad principle) This group should draft a Legal Entity statute
> providing a controlling mechanism, asap !
> 5. A new Statute of the LE would be adopted no later than EuroDIG in
> Trieste or earlier and subsequently an Executive Board and Supervisory
> Board election would be announced under the new Statute.
> 6. The new supervisory board would then, as a first task, look at the
> financial and other aspects of the "leftovers" of SEEDIG 2018 , for what DC
> has been accused of without evidence presented!
> Thank you for your attention my dear friends and colleagues.
> I would be very happy to hear from you at your earliest convenience and to
> see the community that I cherish and where I vested 10 years of my private
> and professional life, back on tracks.
> Sincerely yours,
> AI
> --
> Aleksandar Ichokjaev
> Of Counsel
> DDK Attorneys at law
> Str. Mirce Acev 2 / 3rd Floor
> 1000 Skopje, Macedonia
> tel. ++ 389 2 3215471
> fax.++ 389 2 3215470
> e-mail: ichokjaev at ddklaw.com.mk
> TLA Top-tier Legal Adriatic
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