[seedig] Disgraceful situation at SEEDIG

Sorina Teleanu sorina.teleanu at seedig.net
Sat Jan 11 23:45:40 CET 2020

Dear Narine, 

The Executive Committee suggested (not decided) that 'recent
developments and lessons learnt' are discussed at the upcoming planning
meeting. If it is too early to discuss lessons learnt, that is fine, we
could leave this part for later. But the idea was to host an open
discussion on what you call the 'current state of affairs'. Whatever
words used for this, the point is to discuss and address concerns. 

We continue to reject the allegations made by our former colleagues in
old and new emails in blogposts. Given the amount of work to handle, we
have so far chosen to focus our time and energy on this work, instead of
responding point by point to those allegations. But the online meeting
would be an opportunity to provide more details on the position of the
Executive Committee. 


On 2020-01-11 13:42, Narine Khachatryan wrote:

> Dear all,  
> While it is difficult to make any comment here, but one thing is clear: top - down style of decision-making is distracting many members of our respected community from participation and particularly those who have been traditionally active. 
> Sorina, isn't it too early to discuss the lessons learned? Who particularly learnt lessons? Have the community members learnt any lessons, if no-one commented the latest correspondence? 
> Have the community members clarified what particularly happened at SEEDIG? Have the community members formed a clear picture of the current state of affairs at SEEDIG in order to be able to take stock and make any conclusion? One acting Executive Committee member said, that hundreds of hours of volunteering work have been dedicated to the initiative, while the other former ExeCom member brought such claims in his letters, blog posts, etc. that are fairly enough to file a law suit.       
> Sorina, there is an impression that by passing without any explanation to the "lessons learnt" page, we are simply trying to channel the discussions towards some aims, desirable exclusively to certain parties of the conflict. 
> Me personally do not feel well, after reading the letters, blog posts, etc. What sort of society are we trying to build? The society, in which anyone can be measured, labeled and based on the results "assassinated" or "kept alive"?    
> Why nobody who is responsible for the process comments the blog? If information is incorrect, please, deny it, or take other measures to stop misinformation, remove incorrect information from the public access space. 
> Thank you very much, 
> Respectfully, 
> Narine 
> On Thu, Jan 9, 2020 at 5:14 PM Sorina Teleanu <sorina.teleanu at seedig.net> wrote: 
>> Dusan, 
>> Although you have already left the community, I would like to repeat a request which we keep making and you keep ignoring: Please make sure you send us an overview of the SEEDIG funds managed in Slovenia during the SEEDIG 5 cycle. Any amount left will have to be transferred to the entity managing SEEDIG funds this year. 
>> Dear community, 
>> As already announced, the Executive Committee remains open to discussing this entire situation (and the new claims made by our former colleague) during the online meeting next week. Meanwhile, I will refrain from any additional comments. 
>> Best, 
>> Sorina
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