[seedig] [Invitation] SEEDIG 7 planning meeting: Tuesday, 8 Dec, 17:00 CET

sorina.teleanu at seedig.net sorina.teleanu at seedig.net
Fri Dec 4 15:05:21 CET 2020

Dear SEEDIG community,

We would like to kindly invite you to the first SEEDIG 7 planning 
meeting, taking place on Tuesday, 8 December, 17:00 CET.

As announced before, we will discuss the overall plans for SEEDIG 7 [1] 
and collect suggestions on topics such as the call for issues, the 
approach for building the programme, the meeting format, etc. (while 
also considering the SEEDIG 6 experience).

Please find the Zoom details below and attached.

Thank you. And we look forward to the discussions.

Best regards,


(on behalf of the Executive Committee)


Topic: SEEDIG 7 planning
Time: Dec 8, 2020 05:00 PM CET

Join Zoom Meeting

On 2020-12-01 16:36, sorina.teleanu at seedig.net wrote:

> Dear SEEDIG community,
> Following several discussions within the Executive Committee and with 
> our partners in Moldova, we would like to provide some updates 
> regarding the plans for SEEDIG 7.
> As already announced before and during SEEDIG 6, Moldova is kindly 
> willing to host the next SEEDIG meeting, if the global and regional 
> health circumstances allow it. Based on this year's experience, the 
> plan is to have SEEDIG 7 in September 2021 (exact dates to be 
> determined). At this point, however, it is difficult to assess whether 
> we will be able to indeed meet in Chisinau next September. This is why 
> we would like to kick start the planning process in January and 
> consider different scenarios for the format of SEEDIG 7 (in situ 
> meeting, online meeting, hybrid meeting). As we go ahead with the usual 
> planning work (please see an indicative timeline here [1]), we will 
> continue to assess the situation and adapt accordingly. A final 
> decision on the format of SEEDIG 7 should be taken by mid-May 2021.
> We would like to host an online public meeting in the week of 7 
> December, to discuss the overall plans for SEEDIG 7 and collect 
> suggestions and ideas on topics such as the call for issues, the 
> approach for building the programme, the meeting format, etc. (while 
> also considering the SEEDIG 6 experience). To help us identify a 
> suitable day and time, we kindly invite you to fill out this Doodle 
> poll [2] by Friday, 4 December, 12:00 noon CET.
> On a different note, we would also like to inform you that the partial 
> election process for the Executive Committee will be launched in 
> January (once the holiday season is over); an election calendar will be 
> developed meanwhile.
> Thank you!
> Best regards,
> Sorina
> (on behalf of the SEEDIG Executive Committee)

[1] https://seedig.net/seedig7/
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