[seedig] SEEDIG6: Draft programme available for public consultations (until April 15)

Daniel Kalemi kalemi.daniel at gmail.com
Fri Apr 17 03:50:19 CEST 2020

Hello all,
I hope this email finds you well and safe!

My apologies for sending this after the deadline (I actually didn’t have
any comments to add to the already well written draft until today).

I noticed that the call for submission was till the 8th of December and all
the ideas were prior to the pandemic. I think that COVID-19 has shifted
some of those priorities and brought some new & existing issues to the

Although many of the sessions overlap with issues that the pandemic is
facing, having a separate session listing the COVID-19 challenges, in my
opinion is very current and refreshing.
Another reason why I think it should be considered is because the
implications of the pandemic, unfortunately will last & be with us in the
near future. So, we might need an iteration of this session in a future
SEEDIG Conference(s) to see the progress and how different stakeholders
have stepped up in building better preparatory pandemic protocols
(government, work environment, schools, non-profit fundraising etc.)
I believe that if implemented it could replace the flash sessions as both
of the topics can be included here:
- Flash Session 1: the languages & scripts issue is reinforced with the
pandemic as the closure of schools and workplaces will increase the need to
support content in different scripts.
- FS2: Emerging tech like 3D printers were essential in places like Italy,
China etc. in shortage of respiratory valves, masks, medical equipment etc.
or the robots used in IC units in some Chinese hospitals to avoid medical
staff getting infected.

Other Issues that can be added but not limited to can be:
- Privacy in times of a pandemic: the geolocation tracking that South
Korean government used. They shared such data with the public to avoid
places that positive patients had visited; Medical Records.
- Remote Work (companies trying to maximize its use without compromising on
- Heavy Internet traffic (slowing down due to increasing demand). Work on
better collaborations among ISPs and the need for better infrastructure and
- Importance of open source and copyright on academic research at times
where libraries & schools are closed (how to expand the online library
- COVID-19 Fake News: Private Sector taking it seriously by taking down
- Online Services experiencing downtime due to hyper volume in websites
(Smart Grid, Cybersecurity etc.)

As I mentioned, some of the issues are tackled in separate sessions, but by
putting the COVID Session  as the very last one, we benefit by:
1. Providing a summary for all of them
2. It is current and relevant
3. Not sacrificing any existing sessions as the last 2 flash sessions can
be included here.
4. We can iterate it in the future as the pandemic implications will last
for a while.
5. It involves all the stakeholders and many layers and aspects of life in

By not wishing to make this email any longer (sorry for that), I’m wrapping
it up here. Thank you for your time and I wish you a safe and happy weekend

Kind regards,
Daniel Kalemi

On Mon, Apr 13, 2020 at 17:54 Sorina Teleanu <sorina.teleanu at seedig.net>

> Dear all,
> This is a kind reminder that the draft programme for SEEDIG 6
> <https://seedig.net/seedig6/#programme> is open for public comments until
> 15 April.
> If you have comments or suggestions, please share them via this list or
> send them directly to the Programme Committee.
> Best regards,
> Sorina
> On 2020-04-01 18:35, Bzovîi Marina via seedig wrote:
> Dear all,
> On behalf of the Programme Committee (PC), we are pleased to announce that
> the draft programme outline for the 6th SEEDIG annual meeting (22-23,
> 2020, Chisinau) is now available for public consultation.
> We invite you to review the draft programme (available online: here
> <https://seedig.net/seedig6/#programme>) and SEND US YOUR  COMMENTS AND
> SUGGESTIONS BY 15 APRIL. More details about the approach taken for the
> programme, the next steps in the planning process, and instructions about
> how to submit your  comments can be found in the explanatory notes which
> accompany the draft. The PC is also willing to host an online meeting
> towards the end of the public comment period, to discuss comments and
> suggestions from the community. Please let us know if you are interested in
> such a meeting.
> We thank you once again for your proposals and your contributions to the planning
> meetings. And we look forward to your feedback.
> Stay safe,
> *Marina Bzovîi, Executive Director*
> *Moldovan Association of ICT Companies (ATIC <http://atic.md/>)*
> Studenților 9/11, Chișinău, Moldova
> Cell: +373 60 266 280
> *www.ict.md <http://www.ict.md/> *
> [image: image.png]
> --
Daniel Kalemi

Software Engineering Apprentice at Sonder Inc.
Programming Assistant & Junior CS Student,
The American College of Thessaloniki, Greece
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