[seedig] SEEDIG6: Draft programme available for public consultations (until April 15)

Bzovîi Marina bzovii.marina at gmail.com
Wed Apr 1 17:35:27 CEST 2020

Dear all,

On behalf of the Programme Committee (PC), we are pleased to announce that
the draft programme outline for the 6th SEEDIG annual meeting (22-23, 2020,
Chisinau) is now available for public consultation.

We invite you to review the draft programme (available online: here
<https://seedig.net/seedig6/#programme>) and SEND US YOUR  COMMENTS AND
SUGGESTIONS BY 15 APRIL. More details about the approach taken for the
programme, the next steps in the planning process, and instructions about
how to submit your  comments can be found in the explanatory notes which
accompany the draft. The PC is also willing to host an online meeting
towards the end of the public comment period, to discuss comments and
suggestions from the community. Please let us know if you are interested in
such a meeting.

We thank you once again for your proposals and your contributions to
the planning
meetings. And we look forward to your feedback.

Stay safe,

*Marina Bzovîi, Executive Director*
*Moldovan Association of ICT Companies (ATIC <http://atic.md/>)*
Studenților 9/11, Chișinău, Moldova
Cell: +373 60 266 280
* <http://www.ict.md/>*
*www.ict.md <http://www.ict.md/> *

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