[seedig] Armenia IGF 5 and N2 Forum | 10-12 October 2019, Yerevan, Armenia

Lianna Galstyan lianna at magic.am
Fri Sep 27 17:48:29 CEST 2019

Dear SEEDIG Community,

With great pleasure, I'd like to inform you that this year the Armenian 
IGF will be celebrating its5th anniversary on 10 October 2019 in 
Yerevan, Armenia. And this year it will be held as a part of a new 
collaboration - the "N2 Forum", which is a series of events, organized, 
hosted and sponsored by local and international organizations.

Please, see below some details of the events:


*10 October:*****

·5th Armenian Internet Governance Forum(/ArmIGF <https://armigf.am/>/)

·1st Armenian Network Operators Group Forum /(//ArmNOG 
<http://nog.operator.am/>//) /

·/Internet Society IoT SIG Workshop <https://n2forum.org/isoc.html>/

*11 October: ***

·RIPE NCC Banking Workshop 

·1st Youth IGF Armenia (YIGF <http://yigf.am/>)

*11-12 October: ***

·4-th Eastern European Domain Name System Forum (EEDNSF 

With this I'd like to invite you to attend these national and regional 
events. You can *register *at the corresponding websites or find more 
information on all events at N2 Forum 

Looking forward to seeing many of you in Yerevan soon!



On behalf of Armenia IGF

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