[seedig] Start of SEEDIG 6 cycle: Overview of the planning process

Sorina Teleanu sorina.teleanu at seedig.net
Thu Oct 3 15:55:07 CEST 2019

Hi, everyone. 

Sara, thank you for the useful and timely comments. 

The indicative planning process for SEEDIG 6 [2] indeed envisions the
creation of the Programme Committee (PC) by mid-December. In this
approach, the PC would also be involved in reviewing the proposals
received in response to the call for issues and in determining the main
subjects to be included in the SEEDIG 6 draft programme. It is good to
see support for this approach from a member of the SEEDIG 5 PC. 

Additional comments, from other members of the SEEDIG 5 PC and the
broader SEEDIG community, are welcome. 



On 2019-10-02 22:46, Desara Dushi wrote:

> Dear Sorina and dear SEEDIG community, 
> As a member of the SEEDIG5 Programme Committee (PC), I would like to make some suggestions for the new SEEDIG cycle as it regards the timeline of the work of the PC.  
> In my opinion, last year the PC started working very late, not because of lack of responsibility from the team (we had an excellent team), but because the timing was scheduled in that way. And this caused problems especially when it came to inviting speakers for the panels. We got many rejections, not because those people were not interested to come, but because they already had other plans in their agendas for those days.  
> So I would suggest that this year we open the call for PC asap, and that the PC starts working as soon as the topics of the sections have been determined.  
> And the most important thing, I highly suggest that this time the PC starts contacting potential speakers from the start, and not wait until we have a final draft of the section titles and of the section descriptions. I think it is not necessary to have a clear section title and description in order to invite speakers. And I think that having the speakers confirmed early enough, makes the work of the PC much easier, as they do not have to worry to find other speakers last minute. 
> All the best, 
> Sara  
> -- 
> Dr. Desara Dushi 
> Assistant Professor at AUM 
> SEEDIG5 Programme Committee 
> ICANN at NextGen Selection Committee 
> PhD in Law, Science and Technology 
> On Tue, Oct 1, 2019 at 12:58 PM Sorina Teleanu <sorina.teleanu at seedig.net> wrote: 
>> Dear SEEDIG community, 
>> As per tradition, 1 October marks the start of a new SEEDIG cycle. So today we officially launch the planning process for our sixth annual meeting (SEEDIG 6), with the call for issues [1]. 
>> As usual, this is a joint SEEDIG-EuroDIG call for issues, so you can suggest topics for discussion at SEEDIG, EuroDIG or both. A separate email will be sent today with more details about the call, inviting you to contribute and help us spread the word. 
>> The call for issues is only the first step in the planning process for SEEDIG 6. Other steps and an indicative timeline for the overall process are described on a dedicated webpage [2]. Please note that the described process has been put together based on lessons learnt during the SEEDIG 5 cycle. For example, it keeps the Programme Committee approach for building the SEEDIG 6 programme, but it suggests that the committee is formed earlier in the process. The timeline is indicative at this stage and can be further amended, based on your input.  
>> And one more important thing: The host for SEEDIG 6 has not yet been decided, but discussions are ongoing with several potential hosts. More details on this will be shared with you soon. 
>> Thank you! 
>> Best, 
>> Sorina
>> -------------------------
>> Chair | SEEDIG Executive Committee

[1] https://seedig.net/seedig6/#cfi
[2] https://seedig.net/seedig6/
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