[seedig] Call for issues: What topics to discuss at SEEDIG & EuroDIG in 2020?

SEEDIG sorina.teleanu at seedig.net
Tue Oct 1 13:13:06 CEST 2019

** Call for issues: SEEDIG & EuroDIG 2020

Dear SEEDIG community,

A new SEEDIG cycle starts today, as we launch the planning process for our sixth annual meeting (SEEDIG 6). And the first milestone in this process is the call for issues.

In line with the past years' practice, we have just launched the joint SEEDIG-EuroDIG call for issues. Between now and 8 December 2019, we invite you all to tell us what Internet governance and digital policy issues you would like to discuss next year at the SEEDIG and EuroDIG meetings.

When proposing issues for SEEDIG, please make sure they are of relevance for stakeholders in South Eastern Europe and the neighbouring area (SEE+). Is there anything we talked about at SEEDIG 5 in Bucharest (https://seedig.us19.list-manage.com/track/click?u=08c11a524f02d5fe3eaf2868c&id=f20093d301&e=ac7dd7f878) that you would want to see discussed again next year, maybe more in-depth? Are there new topics we need to pay more attention to? What Internet and digital policy issues do you think would be in focus by next spring in the SEE+ region?

The issues you suggest will form the basis for our 2020 meeting. So we look forward to hearing from you. And we also count on you to spread the word about the call.

Thank you!

Suggest an issue (https://seedig.us19.list-manage.com/track/click?u=08c11a524f02d5fe3eaf2868c&id=41e2ba6661&e=ac7dd7f878)

What happens after the call for issues? The overall planning process for SEEDIG 6 is described on our dedicated page (https://seedig.us19.list-manage.com/track/click?u=08c11a524f02d5fe3eaf2868c&id=1e2182788f&e=ac7dd7f878) . Take a look and let us know if you have any comments.
mailto:execom at seedig.net

Aiming for a healthy, sustainable and inclusive digital advancement of SEE+

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SEEDIG . Bucharest . Bucharest 020337 . Romania

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