[seedig] Internet and digital policy in SEE+ | May 2019

SEEDIG Editorial Team sorina.teleanu at seedig.net
Sat Jun 1 12:57:31 CEST 2019

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** SEEsummary Issue 28

** Published on 31 May 2019

Curious to know what has happened recently in South Eastern Europe and the neighbouring area (SEE+) in terms of Internet governance and digital policy? Our team of editors has made it all easier and collected main developments in the May 2019 issue of the SEEsummary.

Among the main headlines:
* Greece goes ahead with the WiFi4GR project.
* Ukraine is discussing the prospects of launching 5G in 2020.
* Romanian government publishes draft ordinance to regulate ride-hailing services.
* Turkey’s data protection authority fines Facebook and investigates Microsoft for data breaches.
* Serbian NGO Share Foundation calls on large tech companies to appoint data protection representatives in Serbia.
* IoT lab is launched in Azerbaijan.
* OSCE Media Freedom Representative publishes a legal review of Electronic Media Law in Montenegro.
* Greece, Romania and Slovenia endorse OECD Principles on AI.
* SEE+ countries are not well prepared to take advantage of AI benefits, according to 2019 Government AI Index.

Also included in this issue is a list of upcoming events (June 2019) and an overview of forthcoming capacity development and engagement opportunities for SEE+ stakeholders.
Read the SEEsummary (https://seedig.us19.list-manage.com/track/click?u=08c11a524f02d5fe3eaf2868c&id=07f796296d&e=ac7dd7f878)
We are looking for volunteers to join the Editorial Team. Sign up by 12 June. (https://seedig.us19.list-manage.com/track/click?u=08c11a524f02d5fe3eaf2868c&id=c5529bef44&e=ac7dd7f878)


Join us in preparing the next issue of the SEEsummary and send us (mailto:editors at seedig.net) updates from your countries/communities.
Comments on this issue are also welcome.


Meet theteam of volunteer editors (https://seedig.us19.list-manage.com/track/click?u=08c11a524f02d5fe3eaf2868c&id=efbdf85197&e=ac7dd7f878) behind the SEEsummary.

Aiming for a healthy, sustainable and inclusive digital advancement of SEE+

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