[seedig] SEEDIG 5: Programme Committee formed
Dusan Stojicevic
dusan at dukes.in.rs
Tue Jan 29 18:09:32 CET 2019
Dear all,
It seems to me that my first wish for NY become true, and this is good sign for the rest of my wishes.
It’s obvious that there was long cue for the PC, because there is 9 members!
Congrats to elected ones, others – better luck next time.
Very interesting for me is that one member of exe com is included.
Smart move by exe com, because they are trying to observe what is happening in PC, not to control it and one for that task is enough.
All the best and wish you fruitfull work and succes in making SEEDIG agenda great again! (hmmm, last part sounds like a quotation...)
From: seedig [mailto:seedig-bounces at lists.rnids.rs] On Behalf Of hvale vale - APC WRP
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2019 8:21 AM
To: seedig at lists.rnids.rs
Subject: Re: [seedig] SEEDIG 5: Programme Committee formed
+1, congratulations and best wishing for the work to come
On 1/28/19 9:17 PM, Desiree Miloshevic wrote:
Congratulations to all volunteering member of the SEEDIG Programme Committee.
On 28 Jan 2019, at 14:08, Dušan Caf via seedig <seedig at lists.rnids.rs <mailto:seedig at lists.rnids.rs> > wrote:
Dear all,
We are pleased to inform you that the Programme Committee (PC) for SEEDIG 5 <https://seedig.net/seedig5/> (7–8 May 2019, Bucharest) has been formed. The full composition of the PC is <https://seedig.net/programme-committee/> available here. The PC is composed of nine members representing the SEEDIG community and partners, and one member representing the <https://seedig.net/executive-committee/> Executive Committee (EC).
The PC will work on shaping the programme for SEEDIG 5 (building on the draft programme <https://seedig.net/seedig5-draft-programme/> . Its first meeting is scheduled for this week
The PC will work in close coordination with the EC. The SEEDIG community will also be informed about and consulted on subsequent versions of the programme. At least one open consultation with the community is envisaged before the SEEDIG 5 meeting.
Kind regards,
Dušan Caf
Member | SEEDIG Executive Committee
hvale vale
Women's Rights Programme
Association for Progressive Communications
www.apc.org <http://www.apc.org> | http://erotics.apc.org | www.feministinternet.net <http://www.feministinternet.net> | www.genderit.org <http://www.genderit.org>
Twitter: @froatosebe
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