[seedig] SEEDIG 5: Call for volunteers for a Programme Committee

Sorina Teleanu sorina.teleanu at seedig.net
Tue Jan 8 17:57:11 CET 2019

Dear all, 

In line with the revised planning process for SEEDIG 5, we are hereby
launching a call for volunteers for a Programme Committee [1] to further
shape the programme for the Bucharest meeting. 

More details about the Programme Committee and the expected work can be
found in the guidelines available on our website. 

The deadline for expressions of interest is 20 JANUARY 2019. 

We count on you to join us in building a focused and relevant meeting
programme. And we hope many of you will volunteer. 

Best regards, 


(on behalf of the SEEDIG Executive Committee) 


[1] https://seedig.net/programme-committee/
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