[seedig] Call for papers: SCRD Journal, Special edition for SEEDIG 5

SEEDIG Executive Committee sorina.teleanu at seedig.net
Mon Feb 25 13:57:06 CET 2019

Dear colleagues,

The South Eastern European Dialogue on Internet Governance (https://seedig.us19.list-manage.com/track/click?u=08c11a524f02d5fe3eaf2868c&id=9fdc46255c&e=ac7dd7f878) and the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (https://seedig.us19.list-manage.com/track/click?u=08c11a524f02d5fe3eaf2868c&id=4fc68f3374&e=ac7dd7f878)  (SNSPA) in Bucharest invite students, researchers and academics in South Eastern Europe and the neighouring area (SEE+) to contribute to the third volume of the Smart Cities and Regional Development Journal (SCRD).

This SCRD issue is developed in connection with the SEEDIG 5 (https://seedig.us19.list-manage.com/track/click?u=08c11a524f02d5fe3eaf2868c&id=dab0d68b55&e=ac7dd7f878)  meeting and is focused on Internet governance and policy. It aims to disseminate results of rigorous and relevant studies and to expose positions and commentaries regarding Internet governance and policy issues, in particular (but not limited to) those specific to SEE+. We particularly encourage the submission of papers which touch on issues included in the programme of SEEDIG 5.

The SCRD Journal does not have an article submission, processing or publishing fee. Hard copies of the Journal will be dispatched at SEEDIG 5 (7–8 May 2019).
10 April
Read more (https://seedig.us19.list-manage.com/track/click?u=08c11a524f02d5fe3eaf2868c&id=7f412822bc&e=ac7dd7f878)

SCRD (https://seedig.us19.list-manage.com/track/click?u=08c11a524f02d5fe3eaf2868c&id=ae328d0578&e=ac7dd7f878)  is a peer-reviewed international journal which publishes papers in online and print versions. It is indexed in major indexing databases: RePEc - Research Papers in Economics, Index Copernicus International, CEEOL – Central and Eastern European Online Library and Google Scholar.
mailto:execom at seedig.net

Aiming for a healthy, sustainable and inclusive digital advancement of SEE+

#seedig2019, #seedig5

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SEEDIG . Bucharest . Bucharest 020337 . Romania

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