[seedig] New Blog Post on 5th SEEDIG Annual Meeting

Dusan Stojicevic dusan at dukes.in.rs
Mon Feb 18 20:06:53 CET 2019

Dear all,

Whenever I see such meaningful request by community members, I am delighted
by the fact that SEEDIG is going forward. Request of explaining the process
of election is demonstrating couple of things:
1. Being ambassador is a very high and respectful role, and it's a matter
of time when we start to address to them as "Your Excellency" f.e. Olga.
Well done with new ambassadorship program.
2. Elections are touchy things - they need to be well explained to all
community members, even if they missed the explanation. Explanation should
be repeated couple of months, each week at least once. Elections, and
especially when you're not elected, are always for inspection by the
3. Executive committee and especially the chair, although very respectful
role, they must be accountable. Even if there's only one member of
community, they must explain everything: ratio, the way of thinking, to
present ToR for elections etc. Monostakeholder is part of

I deserve the explanation, naughty chair and naughty exe com, because I am
Community Member. In answering, keep in mind that this community is
growing, now 200+ members, and the website with more pages than members
doesn't give you a clue what has happened on those elections. With such a
growth, everything must be on paper, electronically signed by The Chair -
you must behave like serious organization, f.e. UN.


pon, 18. feb 2019. 21:01 Narine Khachatryan via seedig <
seedig at lists.rnids.rs> je napisao/la:

> Dear all,
> Thank you for delivering such an important request to the community.
> It would be great that the SEEDIG community learn about the SEEDIG
> Ambassadorship selection process outcome not from the email signature of a
> member but the formal and official announcement send by the Executive
> Committee or it's Chair to the list.
> Let's adhere to the culture of Respect towards each and every community
> member.
> Many thanks and best regards to everyone!
> Narine
> On Mon, Feb 18, 2019 at 6:02 PM Olga Kyryliuk via seedig <
> seedig at lists.rnids.rs> wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> We hope many of you will make it to Bucharest this year for SEEDIG annual
>> meeting. Meanwhile, we continue looking for the opportunities to engage
>> more people and to reach to those stakeholders who are normally less
>> represented at SEEDIG meetings. Here we will need a bit of your assistance
>> with sharing the recent blog post on what to expect and how to get engaged
>> with 5th SEEDIG annual meeting. We would be very grateful, if you could
>> share a link to the blog post (
>> https://internetfreedom.blog/2019/02/18/seedig-2019-is-coming-to-bucharest-join-now-not-to-regret-afterwards/)
>> through whatever relevant mailing lists you are a part of, but also through
>> your/your organizations social media accounts. You can also re-post it on
>> Facebook by accessing this link -
>> https://www.facebook.com/IFnetworkEurope/posts/866446757031013.
>> Many thanks in advance!
>> Best,
>> Olga Kyryliuk
>> SEEDIG Ambassador to Ukraine
>> PhD, CEO & Founder
>> The Influencer Platform
>> Kyiv, Ukraine
> --
>    *Narine Khachatryan* | Executive Director
>       *STEM Society|**Safer Internet Armenia*
>       Yerevan, Armenia
>       Tel:         +374 11 735421
>       Mob:     +374 55 137907
>       www.safe.am
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