[seedig] SEEDIG 5 | Online registration is now open

SEEDIG Executive Committee sorina.teleanu at seedig.net
Tue Feb 5 16:21:32 CET 2019

** SEEDIG 5: Registration is open

Dear colleagues,

With three months to go before SEEDIG 5, we invite you to register online and let us know you will be joining us in Bucharest this May.

This year we celebrate five years of SEEDIG, so the Bucharest meeting will be an anniversary one. We trust we will be celebrating this milestone together with you all – SEEDIG partners, supporting organisations, community members, and friends.

Until then, we also invite you to keep an eye on theSEEDIG 5 dedicated page (https://seedig.us19.list-manage.com/track/click?u=08c11a524f02d5fe3eaf2868c&id=1748a74e0e&e=ac7dd7f878) , where you can find the programme and other meeting details.

We look forward to welcoming you to the beautiful Bucharest.

SEEDIG Executive Committee
30 April
Register (https://seedig.us19.list-manage.com/track/click?u=08c11a524f02d5fe3eaf2868c&id=647797acff&e=ac7dd7f878)

Need more details about SEEDIG 5 and the planning process? Visit https://seedig.us19.list-manage.com/track/click?u=08c11a524f02d5fe3eaf2868c&id=d78c663dce&e=ac7dd7f878.
mailto:execom at seedig.net

Aiming for a healthy, sustainable and inclusive digital advancement of SEE+

#seedig2019, #seedig5

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SEEDIG . Bucharest . Bucharest 020337 . Romania

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