[seedig] Internet and digital policy in SEE+ | November and December 2019

SEEDIG Editorial Team sorina.teleanu at seedig.net
Tue Dec 24 11:21:08 CET 2019

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** SEEsummary Issue 33

** Published on 23 December 2019

Curious to know what has happened recently in South Eastern Europe and the neighbouring area (SEE+) in terms of Internet governance and digital policy? Our team of editors has made it all easier and collected main developments in the November and December 2019 issue of the SEEsummary.

Among the main headlines:
* Bulgaria aims to grant 5G frequencies by mid-2020, while Belarus is developing a strategy for 5Gplementation
* Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, and Slovenia join quantum communication initiative
* .ευ top-level domain extension launched formally
* Serbia to establish a national platform for AI development
* Leading Russian companies create cross-industry AI-Russia Alliance
* Eastern Partnership countries discuss regional roaming agreement
* Internet Technologies in Business master’s programme to be launched in Armenia
* Girls in Tech programme launched in Serbia
* Greek governmental infrastructures and services migrate to the cloud
* National Portal for E-services launched in North Macedonia
* Moldova introduces tax for international tech companies
* SI-Chain test blockchain infrastructure launched in Slovenia
* Serbia and North Macedonia sign, Bulgaria ratifies Convention 108+ on personal data protection
* Freedom on the Net 2019 report covers seven SEE+ countries
* Also included: an overview of national and youth IGF meetings held throughout the region; a list of upcoming events (January 2020); and an overview of upcoming capacity development and engagement opportunities for SEE+ stakeholders.

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The SEEsummary, published on a regular basis since September 2016, has now passed 30 issues. As we continue to keep you up-to-date with the main Internet and digital policy developments in SEE+, we would welcome your suggestions (mailto:editors at seedig.net) on how to enhance the SEEsummary and keep it relevant.


Join us in preparing the next issue of the SEEsummary and send us (mailto:editors at seedig.net) updates from your countries/communities.
Comments on this issue are also welcome.
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The SEEsummary Editorial Team wishes you

Aiming for a healthy, sustainable and inclusive digital advancement of SEE+

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