[seedig] Отг: Launching a new election process: Call for volunteers for the Election Committee

Anelia Dimova adimova at mtitc.government.bg
Tue Dec 24 10:13:38 CET 2019

Dear SEEDIGers,
Remember please the 2015 SEEDIG Sofia spirit and upgrade and go ahead!
226 is a huge amount of people!
During IGF 2019 I met about 10 of us! Sorina Olga Predrag  etc. new entries!
Let the force be with all of us during 2020!
Anelia Dimova
Sofia Bulgaria
Министерство на транспорта, информационните технологии и съобщенията<http://www.mtitc.government.bg/>
An official website of the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Bulgaria.


От: seedig <seedig-bounces at lists.rnids.rs> от името на Peter Sterle <peter.sterle at guest.arnes.si>
Изпратено: 24 декември 2019 г. 10:15
До: seedig at rnids.rs
Тема: Re: [seedig] Launching a new election process: Call for volunteers for the Election Committee

Dear community,

the latest developments in the SEEDIG community really made me depressive.

At a time when we are experiencing ruthless processes of commercialization and monopolization of the Internet, and on the other hand the use of the Internet to suppress personal freedoms, is a community that her priority task should be to scrutinize these developments, trapped in squabbles, nudges and deliberate sowing of discord.

Probably I should have come forward earlier when a reputable member of the community was under unjust and baseless attack. But the petition was so beyond all common sense that I assumed that reason would prevail and the matter would calm down. When another experienced and distinguished member of the community resigned from his position in executive committee, his resignation was immediately presented as something that was unrelated to the attack on other member of executive board and a petition. Again a new distortion of the facts. Unfortunately, in every community, there is a group that is prone to respond to incentives stemming from low intentions. For various reasons: inexperience, personal vendetta, tracking his or her superior, or just an inability to resist herd instinct.

With all this said, I can understand why most active and reputable members of the international Internet community did not respond: the whole matter was from the beginning so much below every cultural level of communication that you can anticipate in advance that any, even the most well-intentioned, intervention would receive a false interpretation as an attack on a particular person.

I honestly wonder which executive committee members and why were not able to lead by example and withstand open and honest dialogue when it came to the values and the future of SEEDIG, and why they were not able to discuss and overcome the differences? Why some executive committee members have been afraid of open and honest dialogue and have resorted to such abhorrent defamation?

With the resignation of the two prominent executive committee members, SEEDIG can not be any longer considered as a broad church Internet community but rather as an exclusive club for particular purposes. As such, I cannot give legitimacy to the existing executive committee members and the SEEDIG as a whole with my membership. Therefore, I cancel my membership in the SEEDIG community and also ask to be removed from the mailing list.

I wish you all a peaceful and happy holidays and a lot of health and success in the new year,

Peter Sterle

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