[seedig] On recent discussions

Narine Khachatryan ms.narine.khachatryan at gmail.com
Wed Dec 18 08:28:33 CET 2019

Dear community, dear Natalia,

Many thanks for your letter, thank you for your positivity which you
constantly bring to all the discussions. Like you, I think that words of
appreciation, of course are necessary to those, who dedicate time, energy
and efforts to something, which is of common interest and benefit.

Of course, there are best people and there are unique people, and
particularly for that we all try now to build a society in which not only
VERY talented, VERY strong, VERY gifted people can have their place, but
everyone, even handicapped, elder or disadvantaged may have a fulfilling
life, without losing dignity.

Indeed, some of us are surprised, because for quite a long time, there has
been an impression of a comparatively quiet list/community, yet the current
discussions have revealed it wasn’t because there was nothing to speak.

As we see from around the world, people usually break boundaries of silence
(maybe sometimes in an unpleasant way), when leaders, rulers, managers
neglect some universally acceptable rules of co-existence.  What if, when
some privileged - special few become more equal than others? Or when,
misbehavior is not punished?

I would like to echo Roberto’s words, whom I respect very much, that we
should not worry so much, when problems and differences arise – we live in
a diverse world. And to be able to overcome differences and grow we need to
go through the tough situations, which only help us to grow stronger.

Natalia, please believe my words, there have been much more discussions, in
some cases people refrained from writing questions to the public list,
because they all have took care of SEEDIG reputation at a first place, and
only after  – concerned about own (private) interests.

We witness today, when things are silenced (Human Rights defenders know
this well), the problems do not disappear, they usually go deeper and one
day start bleeding.

That is particularly why we should not create alienating environments, in
which people are afraid to speak, in which undesirable or unpleasant
opinions maybe silenced, in which impoliteness or lack of ethics become

Concluding I'd like to thank all, who wrote, messaged, called me these
days. Regretfully, I have not had an opportunity to participate in any of
SEEDIG meetings. I had recently exchanged emails with Sonia, whom would
love to know personally. Hope that future will open that opportunity,




   *Narine Khachatryan* | Executive Director
      *STEM Society|**Safer Internet Armenia*

      Yerevan, Armenia

      Tel:         +374 11 735421

      Mob:     +374 55 137907

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