[seedig] (no subject)

Narine Khachatryan ms.narine.khachatryan at gmail.com
Mon Dec 16 17:38:16 CET 2019

Dear Dusan Stojicevic, dear respectful community,

I am calling on everyone *to refrain expressing your support to the
Petition*, as the Voting process is in breach with *ToR 7.4, Art. 7:*

I copy the paragraph 7.4, Art. 7. from SEEDIG ToR here:

*Art. 7. –  Removing individual members of the executive committee or
recalling the entire executive committee*

*7.4. Before a vote is held, the executive committee or the member(s)
concerned shall be given the opportunity to respond to the claims outlined
in the petition. *https://seedig.net/terms-of-reference-tor/

Colleagues, please, respect the ToR and give Dusan Caf the possibility to
respond to claims outlined in the petition. According to the ToR relevant
article your votes will not count.

Thank you everyone,



   *Narine Khachatryan* | Executive Director
      *STEM Society|**Safer Internet Armenia*

      Yerevan, Armenia

      Tel:         +374 11 735421

      Mob:     +374 55 137907

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