[seedig] On recent discussions

Sorina Teleanu sorina.teleanu at seedig.net
Fri Dec 13 20:25:15 CET 2019

Dear SEEDIG community, 

A lot has been happening recently on this list and within SEEDIG, and I
believe it is time for me to try to clarify and react to a few things. 

But, first, I kindly ask everyone to bring back respect and trust on
this list, and avoid breaking the boundaries of common sense and
engaging in ad-hominem attacks. Recent and previous discussions have
made many uncomfortable, and what was supposed to be a space for open
discussions and dialogue has become a place which is alienating people.
I trust this will soon change. 


To start with, I would like to thank the Election Committee for the work
they have done over the past few months. Especially considering that, as
we all saw on the list, Committee members and observers did not have an
easy task.  

As already announced by the Election Committee, according to the Terms
of reference (ToR), the election process should be re-initiated from the
start (with all its phases, from the creation of a new Election
Committee, through new nominations, and to the voting process). By
default, the Executive Committee is supposed to continue its mandate in
its current composition. As Chair, I have called for a meeting to
discuss the next steps with my colleagues; you will hear more after this


Several direct and indirect accusations have been made recently
regarding transparency, inclusion, and good governance (among others)
within SEEDIG. These were carried out on the list, in other public
spaces, and in undisclosed communications with SEEDIG sponsors and
partners. Many of these accusations have been targeted at me directly. 

The ability of this community to speak its mind and point to any flaws
they find in SEEDIG processes is something I find valuable. As long as
this is done in a respectful, realistic, open, and constructive manner.
I am ready at any point to stand up for SEEDIG and its principles, which
many of my colleagues and I have done our best to uphold over the past
five years.  

Flaws in SEEDIG processes and governance may have appeared, and this is
part of the growth of any initiative. But I strongly reject all
accusations of intentional lack of transparency, inclusiveness, and
democracy, as well as any manipulation within the Executive Committee
and the SEEDIG community at large. I invite all those who have made
these accusations to back them up with facts.  

I have been at the centre of many discussions and accusations recently.
I believe that my work speaks for itself, so I will try to avoid
engaging in a debate on any alleged wrongdoings at the moment. But I ask
those who have been pointing fingers at me and my work to look carefully
at whether they uphold the principles they accuse me of breaching.  

Finally, I would like to thank all of those who have stood up for SEEDIG
and have expressed their support for a constructive approach to
addressing the challenges the initiative and the community are facing

I once again invite the community to uphold the spirit of SEEDIG and use
this space constructively to tackle the many complex IG issues in the
region, instead of engaging in ad-hominem attacks, unfounded
accusations, and engaging in activities undermining the very existence
of SEEDIG.  


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