[seedig] Reminder: Call for issues for SEEDIG & EuroDIG 2019 open until 30 November

Aleksandar Icokaev icokaev at popovski-law-office.com.mk
Fri Nov 30 16:01:38 CET 2018

Dear Sandra, dear Sorina, dear community members,

On behalf of IGF MKD, I'm sending you issues we think may  be of high 
interest to several stakeholders across Europe.

These were the issues that have been discussed during IGF MKD 2018 .  
Together withe "new" challenges (such as artificial intelligence - AI ) 
,  we also find some of them are repeating which means these are live 
issues that need rethinking and returning to them over and over with 
every year beside us...  the themes that are "ever greens" !

Namely the agenda of the IGF MKD 2018 was as following:

Session 1 - Cyber security and trusted services
•    Cyber Security retrospective in Macedonia (Technical community)
•    FINKI CIRT: fist academic CIRT in MKD (Academia)
•    Legal framework for trusted services (Government)

Session 2  – Data protection and intellectual property
•    GDPR challenges and dilemmas (Civil Society)
•     Artificial Intelligence and data protection  (Academia)
•    Intellectual property protection on the Internet (Private sector)

Session 3   - Media, media literacy , fake news and disinformation.

As the application system  of the joint SEEDIG and EuroDIG 2019 call for 
issues <https://seedig.net/call-for-issues/> takes into consideration  
only  3 proposals per  "submitter"  , we shall submit to the system only 
the modification of the Session titles i.e.

Session 1 -   Cyber security and trusted services
Session 2  – Artificial Intelligence and Data protection.
Session 3   - Media, media literacy , fake news and disinformation.

Best regards and wishing you successful preparations of both SEEDIG and 
EuroDIG 2019.

Aleksandar Icokaev,

IGF MKD Coordinator

On 20.11.2018 12:12, Sorina Teleanu wrote:
> Dear SEEDIG community members,
> We would like to kindly remind you that thecall for issues 
> <https://seedig.net/call-for-issues/> for the 2019 meetings of SEEDIG 
> and EuroDIG is open *until 30 November.*
> With only 10 days left until the deadline, we encourage you to take a 
> few minutes of your time and tell us what Internet and digital policy 
> topics should be discussed at the two meetings next year.
> We also remind you that the SEEDIG 2019 meeting 
> <https://seedig.net/seedig-2019/> will be held in Bucharest and it 
> will be an anniversary event, as we will be celebrating five years of 
> SEEDIG. We count on you to help us make this meeting as interesting 
> and as relevant as possible.
> Thank you! And we look forward to receiving your submissions.
> Best regards,
> Sorina
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *Sorina Teleanu*
> Chair | SEEDIG Executive Committee
> <https://seedig.net>
> Messages from SEEDIG 2018 <https://seedig.net/seedig2018-messages/>
> Call for issue <https://seedig.net/call-for-issues/>s - SEEDIG & 
> EuroDIG <https://seedig.net/call-for-issues/>2019 
> <https://seedig.net/call-for-issues/>
> <https://www.facebook.com/SEEDIG2019/> 
> <https://twitter.com/SEEDIG2019> <https://seedig.net>

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