[seedig] Approach for building the SEEDIG meeting programme

Anastasia Sendrea sendrea.anastasia at gmail.com
Wed Nov 28 20:53:32 CET 2018

Hi there,

what do you mean by Regulation on Internet (first of Internet was used...
hmm). If you only mention fake news, or illegal content online, than we are
talking about online content regulation, and not Regulation of the
Internet, which is a broad a subject as to cover at least 2 semesters in a
Bachelor degree programme (and even then I would argue that the name of the
course needs some more footing in recognized scholarly work). This is
probably why one is encouraged to use the online call for issues form: to
think through their questions and articulate them in a fashion that can fit
a discussion theme...


On Wed, Nov 28, 2018 at 5:14 PM Dusan Stojicevic <dusan at dukes.in.rs> wrote:

> Dear all,
> Thank you, Sorina, was expecting your long response (you were jealous on
> the length of my email, admit! J).
> Here is the list of questions on some of the parts of Sorina’s mail, just
> to make you think more on that, and where the things makes me go “hmmmm”.
> 1.       The approach <https://seedig.net/seedig-2019-planning-process/>
> we have used so far… – do you find it successful, overall? Do you see the
> growth in participation on SEEDIG events, or SEEDIG as initiative, because
> of this approach?
> 2.       We are not sure whether it is feasible (or advisable) to change
> the process while it is happening… – this stage of the process is not
> happening yet. So when do you think is possible to change? Do you think
> that some things can’t be changed on the fly?
> 3.       So that the programme reflects the interests of as many
> stakeholders as possible… – Is it doing so? To which level? Programme
> made in any other way simply can’t reflect the same?
> 4.       Executive Committee also has a role… – yes, and it sounds
> similar as the role of Programme Committee, isn’t it? Why executive
> committee needs to cover all things about event?
> 5.       …process as inclusive as possible – do you think that this is
> happening? If not, why? Is it because “being inclusive” is not equal to “we
> have many people interested to participate in the process”?
> 6.       …an opportunity to contribute – there is an opportunity for each
> of us to be Presidents or PMs of our countries, right? But why I get the
> feeling that all of us will not be near that roles during our lifetime?
> Questions are not here to make anyone angry, and I apologize in front if I
> offended someone or make someone angry.
> This is some kind of reality check, or “does this barrel (read> current
> process) holds the water”.
> Cheers,
> Dusan
> *From:* Sorina Teleanu [mailto:sorina.teleanu at seedig.net]
> *Sent:* Wednesday, November 28, 2018 2:02 PM
> *To:* Dusan Stojicevic <dusan at dukes.in.rs>
> *Cc:* 'Seedig' <seedig at rnids.rs>
> *Subject:* Re: [seedig] Approach for building the SEEDIG meeting programme
> Hello, everyone.
> Dusan, thank you for your in-depth reflection on topics and the planning
> process for the SEEDIG meeting.
> On the topics, we cannot say much at this stage, as this is a time for
> you, community members, to share your views. But we would like to comment
> on the process.
> The approach <https://seedig.net/seedig-2019-planning-process/> we have
> used so far (the open call for issues, the consultations on the draft
> programme, and the separate organising teams for each session) was (and
> still is) motivated by an attempt to have a process as inclusive as
> possible. So that the programme reflects the interests of as many
> stakeholders as possible, while also giving all those interested an
> opportunity to contribute. Within this process, the Executive Committee
> also has a role, as we are trying, by working together with the organising
> teams, to make sure that the programme is balanced (in terms of topics of
> interests for different stakeholder groups, for example).
> Whether this approach has been useful or not, and whether we should change
> it or not, this is something the community should be commenting and
> deciding on.
> We invite you all to do so (i.e. share your views), while also considering
> Dusan's suggestion of replacing the individual session organising teams
> with an overall 'Programme Committee' to be in charge of the entire
> programme.
> We are not sure whether it is feasible (or advisable) to change the
> process while it is happening. But this is another thing we should be
> looking at as a community.
> So, once again, we thank Dusan for his reflections and suggestions. And we
> invite everyone to comment on these.
> Best,
> Sorina
> ------------------------------
> *Sorina Teleanu*
> Chair | SEEDIG Executive Committee
> <https://seedig.net>
> Messages from SEEDIG 2018 <https://seedig.net/seedig2018-messages/>
> Call for issue <https://seedig.net/call-for-issues/>s - SEEDIG & EuroDIG
> <https://seedig.net/call-for-issues/> 2019
> <https://seedig.net/call-for-issues/>
> <https://www.facebook.com/SEEDIG2019/>
> <https://twitter.com/SEEDIG2019>    <https://seedig.net>
> On 2018-11-28 00:41, Dusan Stojicevic wrote:
> Dear all,
> At the beginning, I need to apologize for the following long email
> (Sorina, don't be jealous J).
> Zdravko, my first reaction on your email was – I agree with all
> suggestions! All of them are my favorite topics in following years, and I
> immediately thought like this>
> 1.       Copyright reform – my favorite> another EU extraterritorial
> exercise, so it is a must. But we need one good acronym like it was GDPR,
> it's bold to call it "link tax law"... ;)
> 2.       Regulation on Internet – the question of propaganda (fancy name
> Fake news), raised to a higher level – of course, it's a must, although
> Internet is already well regulated up to the level of content, where
> governments failed. J
> 3.       Paris call – yet another signed piece of paper with uncertain
> future. Of course, it's a must, and this topic can be interpreted like "Why
> Internet Governance is irrelevant?" J
> While thinking that all of your topics are somehow "must" for SEEDIG, I
> realized that the long cycle for preparing SEEDIG event can be much
> shorter. Last year we knew that GDPR simply must be a topic in agenda, now
> we know some of the topics, and I think that we all, and especially exe
> com, are losing time in creating meeting agenda under today's process. We
> already know what will be the major topics (at least most of them), and
> some sort of Programme Committee can do agenda instead of separate teams
> for each topic. This way exe com can be more relaxed and mostly focused on
> logistics. Also, the size of programme committee can be small, up to 5-7
> people, and they can "swallow" all suggested topics in this Call for
> issues, and deliver a very good agenda. Let me try to illustrate (this is
> my lucky guess on next year agenda, including sessions topics, assuming the
> meeting will last two days)>
> 1.       Opening ceremony – SEE Internet governance, issues, and why we
> have so much issues?
> 2.       Link Tax Law
> 3.       Cyber security
> 4.       Regulation on Internet (featuring Fake news)
> 5.       Digital rights
> 6.       Access/technology
> 7.       New tech (IoT, Data driven technologies...)
> 8.       Closing session – all sponsors explaining why they think SEEDIG
> is the best, immediately after them J
> When it comes to Child online protection, I must say: for me, it is much
> more important issue than most of them, Fake news f.e., but as we see
> through years, we consider almost everything more important than Child
> online protection. If we want to discuss this topic seriously, we need to
> discuss digital education of the parents and teachers, and how to educate
> them and how to transfer this knowledge to kids. Otherwise, some small
> presentation of projects, initiatives or organisations dealing with it – in
> my opinion, not useful. First question for the parents in the audience
> –it's ok for you to put a pics of your kids on FB, Instagram... Do you have
> their consent (I didn't quote GDPR, honestly! J)?
> At the end> dear all, you have the right to forgot my email, to ignore my
> mail, not to read it and also to disagree with me. But my agenda would be
> 60-80 percent right. And that's why I wrote "energy saving" suggestion, not
> on agenda but on the process itself...
> My two cents,
> Dusan
> *From:* seedig [mailto:seedig-bounces at lists.rnids.rs
> <seedig-bounces at lists.rnids.rs>] *On Behalf Of *Sorina Teleanu
> *Sent:* Tuesday, November 27, 2018 6:16 PM
> *To:* Vilma Tomco <Vilma.Tomco at cesk.gov.al>
> *Cc:* 'Kristijan Zimmer (kristijan.zimmer at gmail.com)' <
> kristijan.zimmer at gmail.com>; Seedig <seedig at rnids.rs>
> *Subject:* Re: [seedig] Reminder: Call for issues for SEEDIG & EuroDIG
> 2019 open until 30 November
> Hi, everyone.
> Zdravko, thank you and the CRO-IGF for responding to our call for issues.
> We are glad to see IGF initiatives from SEE+ contributing and we hope this
> will encourage others to do the same.
> Vilma, thank you for following up on Zdravko's suggestion and reinforcing
> one of the proposals.
> I have one kind request for you both: *Could you please go to the online
> form <https://seedig.net/call-for-issues/> and submit the proposals there
> as well?* It should not take you more than five minutes, but it will help
> us keep track of everything in a simplified and transparent manner. We know
> this is an extra step for you, but we trust in your understanding.
> To the overall SEEDIG community: There are still a few days left to submit
> proposals for our SEEDIG 2019 meeting (until 30 November). And we hope to
> hear from more of you by then.
> Best regards,
> Sorina
> On 2018-11-27 19:03, Vilma Tomco wrote:
> Dear Sorina and all,
> I agree with Mr Jukic proposal and would lime to add :
> Child online protection initiative
> All on  data protection  - reconfigure PIi , or /
>  privacy, confidencialuty and right to be forgoten
> Best regard
> Vilma Tomco
> Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device
> -------- Original message --------
> From: Zdravko Jukić <Zdravko.Jukic at hakom.hr>
> Date: 11/27/18 6:36 PM (GMT+02:00)
> To: Sorina Teleanu <sorina.teleanu at seedig.net>, Seedig <seedig at rnids.rs>
> Cc: "'Kristijan Zimmer (kristijan.zimmer at gmail.com)'" <
> kristijan.zimmer at gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [seedig] [SPAM] Reminder: Call for issues for SEEDIG &
> EuroDIG 2019 open until 30 November
> Dear Sorina and all SEEDIG community members,
> CRO-IGF would like to propose the following topics (with draft titles) for
> consideration:
> 1.       Copyright protection reform
> 2.       Regulation of Internet
> 3.       Cyber security, what after Paris Call?
> Thanks and best regards,
> Zdravko
> *From:* seedig [mailto:seedig-bounces at lists.rnids.rs
> <seedig-bounces at lists.rnids.rs>] *On Behalf Of *Sorina Teleanu
> *Sent:* 20. studenog 2018. 12:13
> *To:* Seedig <seedig at rnids.rs>
> *Subject:* [SPAM] [seedig] Reminder: Call for issues for SEEDIG & EuroDIG
> 2019 open until 30 November
> Dear SEEDIG community members,
> We would like to kindly remind you that the call for issues
> <https://seedig.net/call-for-issues/> for the 2019 meetings of SEEDIG and
> EuroDIG is open *until 30 November.*
> With only 10 days left until the deadline, we encourage you to take a few
> minutes of your time and tell us what Internet and digital policy topics
> should be discussed at the two meetings next year.
> We also remind you that the SEEDIG 2019 meeting
> <https://seedig.net/seedig-2019/> will be held in Bucharest and it will
> be an anniversary event, as we will be celebrating five years of SEEDIG. We
> count on you to help us make this meeting as interesting and as relevant as
> possible.
> Thank you! And we look forward to receiving your submissions.
> Best regards,
> Sorina


Anastasia Șendrea
(Анастасия Шендря)
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