[seedig] New members

Kristina Olausson Olausson at etno.eu
Tue Jan 30 13:27:39 CET 2018

Dear Dusan, dear Seedig participants

Thank you for the introducation. I work as a policy officer for ETNO, an association of European telecom providers. We represent companies such as Proximus, Orange and for the South-East European region: ALB Telecom, BH Telecom, Slovak Telekom, Telekom Slovenije and Vivacom.

ETNO members have been engaged in the debates on Internet Governance for a long time within forums such as EuroDIG, EIF as well as within ICANN.

This will be our first year in SEEDIG and we look forward to engaging more with the region and its stakeholders!
Happy to answer any questions you might have.

Best regards,
Kristina Olausson

Kristina Olausson
Policy Officer | ETNO
T:  +32 2 227 10 85
M:  +32 478 78 29 34
E:  olausson at etno.eu<mailto:olausson at etno.eu>
A: Boulevard du Régent 43-44, 1000 Brussels, Belgium

[cid:image001.png at 01CFED20.E26FFC40]

Connect with us on:
    [Proximus Twitter] <https://twitter.com/ETNOAssociation>  [Proximus LinkedIn] <https://www.linkedin.com/company/european-telecommunications-network-operators'-assocation-etno->   [http://aibotek.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Flicker-Icon.png] <https://www.flickr.com/photos/124377054@N05/>

From: seedig [mailto:seedig-bounces at lists.rnids.rs] On Behalf Of Dusan Stojicevic
Sent: 23 January 2018 18:24
To: 'SEEDIG list'
Subject: [seedig] New members

Dear all,

We have two new members.
Welcome to Anupkamal Bishwakarma and Kristina Olausson, and please introduce yourself.



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