[seedig] Call for Comments: SEEDIG Draft Strategic Plan

Aleksandar Ichokjaev icokaev at popovski-law-office.com.mk
Tue Jan 30 00:30:34 CET 2018

Dear Dusan, dear members of the exe. com,

Many thanks to for your email and for providing the draft Strategic Plan 
to the community for reviewing !

As much as I was able to go trough the draft I could see a well 
structured document , at the expected level assuming who else could be 
among the authors !  : )

 From expanding the definition of the Internet as "Internet and digital 
technologies" , introduction of  "Beliefs" aside with mission and 
vision, to pragmatical issues like the legal structure of SEEDIG .

I would like to endorse your work and to kindly offer our ( IGF MKD ) 
help and contribution to the feasible extent for the strategic 
priorities as stipulated in the draft and in particular:

*_To enhance relations with national IGF initiatives by: _*
"    Holding periodic online meetings with national IGFs, as 
opportunities to discuss and exchange information on issues such as 
challenges and success stories.
"    Further exploring ways in which SEEDIG could support existing 
national IGF and help the creation of new ones (support IGFs annual 
meetings, develop local projects with them, etc.)
"    Enhancing the contribution of national IGFs to the SEEDIG process 
(annual meeting and intersessional activities). Specific activities 
could include: offering spaces for national IGFs to present their 
messages and work at the SEEDIG annual meetings, having national IGFs 
host SEEhub meetings, distributing SEEsummaries through national IGFs.

( *F**or example , the upcoming SEEDIG 2018 in Slovenia could serve as 
perfect place "a home land"  where IGF MKD will be given space to 
promote the post event report of the first annual national IGF for 
Macedonia that took place in November 2017. *_*

_*Further, to ensure the integration of alumni in the SEEDIG process and 
to  Increase the visibility of SEEDIG by : *_
"    Identifying high-profile individuals/influencers from each 
stakeholder group with strong networks online and offline and approach 
them to be SEEDIG High-Level Ambassadors.
"    Ensuring the representation and active contribution of the SEEDIG 
Executive Committee in meetings and activities of national IGF 
initiatives in the region.
"    Ensure the representation and active participation of SEEDIG 
community representatives (not only the SEEDIG Executive Committee, but 
also alumni, interns, other community members) in major European and 
international Internet governance processes.
- Creating SEEDIG Fellowships for regional and international Internet 
governance processes.
- Creating a network of National SEEDIG Ambassadors in countries in the 
region. Identify active community members and invite them to take up 
such roles, for a determined period of time.

Wish you success and best of luck during the preparation process and 
hope to see you all in Ljubljana !

Best regards,

Aleksandar Icokaev

IGF MKD Coordinator

P.S.  I'm CC-ing IGF MKD mailing group.

On 1/20/18 19:48, Dušan Caf via seedig wrote:
> Dear all,
> The SEEDIG Executive Committee has recently drafted a Strategic Plan 
> of SEEDIG. We are hereby sharing this draft with you, kindly inviting 
> you to review it and submit your comments and suggestions by *31 
> January 2018*.
> This plan is intended to guide our activities over the next few years, 
> as we work on strengthening SEEDIG and shape its growth in a 
> sustainable manner. It outlines a vision and a mission for SEEDIG, as 
> well as our beliefs, practices, and strategic priorities. For each 
> priority, specific goals and actions are identified.
> You can find the draft plan and details on how to submit your comments 
> on the dedicated webpage:
> http://seedig.net/seedig-strategic-plan-draft/
> Your feedback is important to us. We look forward to hearing from you.
> Kind regards,
> Dušan Caf
> (on behalf of the SEEDIG executive committee) 

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