[seedig] [Reminder] Today and tomorrow: SEEDIG 2018 online planning meetings

Sorina Teleanu sorinat at diplomacy.edu
Wed Jan 17 11:11:17 CET 2018

Dear all,

This is a kind reminder about the two online planning meetings for SEEDIG
2018, scheduled for today and tomorrow.

Please remember that you need to register prior to the meetings:

   - *Wednesday, 17 January, 17.00 CET* | Register
   - *Thursday, 18 January, 10.00 CET* | Register

We hope to see many of you online.



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sorina Teleanu <sorinat at diplomacy.edu>
Date: Sat, Jan 13, 2018 at 3:03 PM
Subject: SEEDIG 2018: Join the online planning meetings | 17 & 18 January
To: SEEDIG list <seedig at rnids.rs>

Dear all,

The next step in the planning process for the SEEDIG 2018 annual meeting
(23–24 May, Ljubljana) is the online planning meeting dedicated to
discussing the submitted proposals and initiating work on the draft
programme for the May event.

*A. Dates, agenda, and participation details*

To encourage a wide participation in such discussions, we have scheduled
two online planning meetings. You are all kindly invited to attend either
of the two meetings (or both, if you wish to).


The meetings will be held via the Webex platforms.  Kindly note that *you
need to register in advance of the meetings*, by clicking on the relevant
links above.

The draft agenda, as well as details about Webex
<http://seedig.net/planning/> (for those who have not used the platform
before) can be found on the SEEDIG website.

*2. Overview of proposals*

As announced before, we have received 105 proposals
<http://seedig.net/seedig-2018-submitted-proposals/> for issues to be
discussed at SEEDIG 2018.

In order to facilitate the discussions during the planning meetings, we
have prepared a general overview of the proposals (attached and online

Kindly note that this overview should be looked at as an analysis, and not
as the result of an evaluation process. It is aimed to serve as an aiding
tool in our future work on building the programme for SEEDIG 2018. We hope
you will find it useful. Comments on this overview are welcome both before
and during the planning meetings.

*Note to proponents: *Some of the proposals have been re-assigned to other
categories than the ones in which they were initially submitted. If you
think your proposal fits better under other category or cluster, please let
us know.

*3. Overall planning process*

For more details about the planning process for SEEDIG 2018, please consult:

   -    SEEDIG 2018 Milestones <http://seedig.net/seedig-2018-milestones/>
   -    Programme Guidelines <http://seedig.net/programme-guidelines/>

Thank you, and we hope to see many of you online next week.

Best regards,

(on behalf of the SEEDIG Executive Committee)



*Sorina Teleanu*

Digital Policy Senior Researcher | DiploFoundation
Anutruf, Ground Floor | Hriereb Street | Msida, MSD 1675, Malta
www.diplomacy.edu | www.giplatform.org | https://dig.watch
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