[seedig] SEEDIG 2018: Meeting dates, List of proposals & Poll for online planning meeting
Sorina Teleanu
sorinat at diplomacy.edu
Thu Jan 4 16:17:57 CET 2018
Dear all,
On behalf of the Executive Committee of SEEDIG, I would like to start by
wishing you a happy new year. Through this e-mail, we would like to share
with you some information regarding the SEEDIG fourth annual meeting.
First, please be informed that the dates for our annual meeting are now
set: SEEDIG 2018 is scheduled to take place on 23–24 May (with possible
pre-events on 22 May), in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
As you know, the call for issues closed on 31 December. We are pleased to
let you know that we received a total of 105 proposals for issues to be
discussed at our meeting in Ljubljana. You can find the list of proposals
and some statistical information at
In line with the milestones <http://seedig.net/seedig-2018-milestones/>and
the programme guidelines <http://seedig.net/programme-guidelines/> for
SEEDIG 2018, the next step in the planning process will be an online
planning meeting, tentatively scheduled for the week of 15 January.
In order to set the date and time for the meeting, we have created a Doodle
poll with several options, and we would like to kindly invite you all to
indicate your availability. The poll will stay open until Wednesday, 12
January. We will then send you further details about the exact date and
time of the meeting, which will be held via the Webex platform.
The main aim of the planning meeting is to discuss the proposals submitted
for SEEDIG 2018, and to start working on a draft programme outline for the
meeting. We are also suggesting several additional topics for discussion,
as indicated in the draft agenda below. Your comments on this draft agenda
are welcome.
SEEDIG 2018: Online planning meeting | Draft agenda
1. SEEDIG 2018
1.1. Process overview
1.2. Topics proposed — overview and discussion
1.3. Programme structure and format
1.4. Overarching theme
1.5. Next steps in building the meeting programme
2. Internet governance survey — possible topic
3. Intersessional activities
4. AOB
If you have questions on any of the above, please let us know.
Thank you!
Best regards,
(on behalf of the SEEDIG Executive Committee)
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