[seedig] Forming a programme committee for SEEDIG 5 (+ summary of planning meetings)

Dusan Stojicevic dusan at dukes.in.rs
Fri Dec 28 22:58:38 CET 2018

Hi guys,


Wow!!! Speed and efficiency from executive committee scared me! Was counting that my suggestion would be on the table at least in process for 2022, but – wow.

This is a proof that your words can change things here, that still we have orgs listening people and community members. Really, congratulations to exe com, not about accepting my proposal, but for fast reactions. This is, I need to say, speed of light, comparing to some earlier exe coms. I am amazed, truly!


My first wish for SEEDIG in New Year is> Let there be long cue for members of PC. I know that exe com will choose right people, because there is nothing left these days ;). This is your chance to substantially shape the SEEDIG programme, and to make this fifth SEEDIG edition better than any other. It will be interesting in January…


But, let us use this momentum of light speed, and catch the train to more changes. There was a lot of mails on this list about legal entity. Can we ask exe com while it’s in light speed, what is happening with this and do we have again some unsolved things like jurisdiction? It is really annoying for exe com to miss opportunities to sign long term agreements with sponsors or supporting orgs, because there is no SEEDIG legal entity. And my second wish for SEEDIG in NY is> let there be legal entity!


Third and last wish (someone said anything Alladin’s lamp?) is to see you all in Romania happy and with smile. This would be a sign that you had successful beginning of the year, in personal and business part of your life, that you are ready for amazing Bucharest and that SEEDIG 5 would be a success. So, third wish> let there be happiness and smiles on all pictures from SEEDIG 5!


Happy New Year, and all holidays,


p.s. – my wish (from some previous year) finally come true – exe com in light speed! “Mr Spock, Warp 9 <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warp_drive> !”  


From: seedig [mailto:seedig-bounces at lists.rnids.rs] On Behalf Of Sorina Teleanu
Sent: Saturday, December 22, 2018 5:44 PM
To: Seedig <seedig at rnids.rs>
Subject: [seedig] Forming a programme committee for SEEDIG 5 (+ summary of planning meetings)


Dear SEEDIG community members,

Following up on the two online planning meetings held earlier this week, we would like to inform you about one change in the planning process for the 5th SEEDIG meeting (SEEDIG 5): replacing the individual session organising teams with a programme committee.

This change was brought up a few weeks ago as a proposal on this mailing list and was later discussed during the planning meetings. The views were diverse, but there was considerable support (expressed by community members, SEEDIG supporting organisations attending the meetings, and the Executive Committee) for giving it a try with a programme committee, given the challenges experienced with organising teams over the past few years. An overview of these discussions can be found in the attached summary report of the planning meetings, which we invite you to read.

In line with these discussions, a programme committee (PC) will be set up to assist the Executive Committee in shaping the programme for SEEDIG 5. It is expected that the PC will enable a more streamlined and effective planning process as well as bring more cohesion and consistency to the overall SEEDIG meeting programme.

Concerning the next steps, the Executive Committee will continue to work on a draft programme for SEEDIG 5, which should be published for public comment by early January. A call for volunteers to form the PC will also be launched in January, and more details about the responsibilities and work of this committee will be shared then as well. Meanwhile, we would like to clarify that the overall SEEDIG community will continue to be involved in the planning process and provide input to the PC and the Executive Committee during their work.

Finally, we thank you for the valuable comments provided before and during the planning meetings. And we look forward to continuing our collaborative work.

Best regards,


(on behalf of the SEEDIG Executive Committee)






Sorina Teleanu

Chair | SEEDIG Executive Committee




 <https://seedig.net/seedig-2019/> SEEDIG 5   |  <https://seedig.net/seedig-2019/> 7–8 May 2019, Bucharest


 <https://www.facebook.com/SEEDIG2019/>      <https://twitter.com/SEEDIG2019>      <https://seedig.net>      

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