[seedig] SEE 8 Call for Presentations - Sarajevo, 16-17 April 2019

Gergana Petrova gpetrova at ripe.net
Thu Dec 13 10:54:20 CET 2018

Dear colleagues,

The RIPE NCC is organising a regional meeting in Sarajevo on 16-17 April 
2019. At the meeting we will discuss the latest developments in the 
Internet industry and identify and solve the specific issues that affect 
the region.

The Programme Committee is now seeking content proposals from the 
community for presentations on:

- IPv6 deployment
- Efforts to establish IXPs in the region or reports from existing IXPs
- Internet of Things (IoT)
- Internet governance and regulatory practices
- Managing IPv4 scarcity in operations
- Network migrations from IPv4 to IPv6
- Commercial transactions of IPv4 addresses
- Data centre technologies
- Network and DNS operations
- Network monitoring and measurements
- Network management and automation
- Network and routing security
- Content delivery
- Internet peering and mobile data exchange

Please submit your talk in English, including the abstract and draft 
version of the slides, before 17 February 2019 at:

If you have any questions or requests concerning content submissions, 
please contact the SEE Programme Committee at <see-pc at ripe.net>.

Registration for the meeting will open on 14 January at:

Best regards,

Gergana Petrova
External Relations

Stationsplein 11, 1012 AB Amsterdam, The Netherlands
T: +31 20 535 4444

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