[seedig] Fwd: [FoME] Konferenz - Anmeldung SEEMF und Commission 27-30 November 2017

Michael J. Oghia mike.oghia at gmail.com
Thu Sep 28 07:26:15 CEST 2017

Hi everyone,

I got this announcement below of an event in Bulgaria that might be useful
to some. The announcement is in German, but here is the translation:

*Good day,*

*Two events will be held in Sofia, Bulgaria and no participation fee :*

*XI Southeast Europe Media Forum (SEEMF) - an event with over 400
participants from Southeast and Central Europe, a project of SEEMO, KAS and
CEI in collaboration with SECEPRO, IA and II-IMC in Sofia, Hotel Hilton -
27 and 28 November 2017  *
*Presentation of the annaul CEI SEEMO Investigative Journalism Award*
*Commission on Media Policy - 29 and 30 November - a project of SEEMO in
cooperation with ECPMF from Leipzig, European Commission, SECEPRO, IA and
II-IMC in Sofia, Hotel Hilton on 29 and 30 November.*
*Presentation of the annual Dr. Erhard Busek SEEMO Award for Better

*Registration / Information: info at seemf.org <info at seemf.org>*

*Best Regards*
*Donjeta Mulliqi*

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <info at seemo.org>
Date: Mon, Sep 25, 2017 at 12:55 PM
Subject: [FoME] Konferenz - Anmeldung SEEMF und Commission 27-30 November
To: fome at listi.jpberlin.de

Guten Tag,

für alle eine Info - zwei Events in Sofia, Bulgarien und *keine

XI South East Europe Media Forum (SEEMF) - ein Event mit über 400
Teilnehmer  aus Südost-und Zentral Europa, ein Projekt von SEEMO, KAS und
CEI in Zusammenarbeit mit SECEPRO, IA und II-IMC in Sofia, Hotel Hilton -
27 und 28 November 2017


Presentation of the annaul CEI SEEMO Investigative Journalism Award


Commission on Media Policy  - 29 und 30 November - ein Projekt von SEEMO in
Zusammenarbeit mit ECPMF aus Leipzig, Europäische Kommission, SECEPRO, IA
und II-IMC in Sofia, Hotel Hilton am 29 und 30 November.


Presentation of the annual Dr. Erhard Busek SEEMO Award for Better

Anmeldung / Informationen info at seemf.org

mit besten Grüßen

Donjeta Mulliqi



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