[icann-see] [SEEDIG] ToR for the executive committee and upcoming election process

fotjon kosta fotjon_kosta at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 26 14:01:57 CEST 2017

Dear Sorina and all,

I would like to congrats you all for the very hard work and the excellent documents produced!I do not have any comments to add.Looking forward to process to the elections of SEEDIG EC.


    On Tuesday, September 26, 2017 6:21 AM, Michael J. Oghia <mike.oghia at gmail.com> wrote:

 Hi Sorina, all:
I've read through both documents, and must say bravo! I don't have anything to add or comment on, I think you've done a wonderful job. I also appreciate the inclusion of a youth working group, and would love to be part of it.
On Mon, Sep 25, 2017 at 6:55 PM, Sorina Teleanu <sorinat at diplomacy.edu> wrote:

Dear all,
We are please to inform you that an updated version of the Terms of Reference (ToR) for the SEEDIG executive committee is now ready. It builds on a draft ToR shared with you earlier this month, while reflecting comments submitted during the public comment period and discussed at the open meeting held last week.
We are hereby sending you both the ToR and a report of the working group that has produced it (WG Elections). The report describes the activity of the WG, and provides some explanatory notes and recommendations concerning the ToR. 
Should you have any comments or questions on any of the documents, please let us know by Wednesday, 27 September, 16.00 noon CEST. After this, we will consider both documents as being final, and will publish them on the SEEDIG website.
Kindly be informed that we intend to launch the election process for the SEEDIG executive committee on Wednesday, 27 September. As per the ToR (art.6), the launch of the process will be done by publishing the election calendar and launching a call for volunteers to serve of the election committee.
Best regards,
Sorina(on behalf of WG Elections and SEEDIG executive committee)

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