[icann-see] SEEDIG Annual report

Saso Dimitrijoski dimitrijoski at marnet.mk
Mon Sep 11 11:17:22 CEST 2017

Dear all,

My colleagues in the SEEDIG executive committee and I are glad to inform you that the SEEDIG 2017 Report is now finalised and it has just been submitted to the IGF Secretariat.

You can find the final report both attached and on the SEEDIG website: http://www.seedig.net/seedig-2017-report/

As host of the SEEDIG 2017 meeting, I can only be proud of how the meeting is reflected in this report. But I would also like to draw your attention to other important elements in this report, such as SEEDIG's capacity development programmes and intersessional activities.

While thanking those who have provided comments on the draft report, we would like to apologise for the slight delay in finalising it. We took a bit more time to work on the design (and we thank DiploFoundation for their support). As for the comments concerning the length of the report and the need for an abridged version, they have been duly noted, and we are considering producing a short publication that could be distributed at the upcoming IGF meeting.

Please feel free to share this report among your communities.

Best regards,


(on behalf of the SEEDIG executive committee)

Sasho Dimitrijoski
Agency for electronic communications
Republic of Macedonia

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