[icann-see] [SEEDIG] SEE Summary & hub: Survey results and next steps

Sorina Teleanu sorinat at diplomacy.edu
Tue Sep 5 15:47:26 CEST 2017

Dear all,

Over the summer, we conducted a survey on the SEE summary & hub
<http://www.seedig.net/ig-developments-in-see/>, with the aim to collect
your impressions and views on what worked well, what worked less well, an
how to improve the initiative.

We have reviewed the responses to this survey, and prepared a report
outlining both the results, and a series of recommendations on how to move
ahead with the SEE summary and hub. The report is available on the SEEDIG
website <http://www.seedig.net/see-summary-hub-evaluation-survey/>.

In short, respondents found mainly the summary, but also the hub, to be
useful initiatives for our region. In line with this and other findings, a
series of action points are to be implemented; the main ones are outlined

*1. Both the summary and the hub will be resumed as of this month

*2. SEE summary*

   - Continue prepare the summary on a monthly basis.
   - On short term:
      - Launch a *call for volunteers *to form an editorial team to work on
      the monthly summary.
      - Continue publishing the summary as a .pdf and start working on a
      web version as well.
   - On medium term: Publish a web version of the summary on the SEEDIG
   website, and introduce functionalities allowing the content to be filtered
   by different criteria (issue, country, etc.)

*3. SEEhub*

   - On short term: Continue the online hub meetings, on the last Tuesday
   of the month, from 14.00 CEST.
   - On medium term: Start a pilot project for the in situ meetings to be
   hosted by different organisations, in different countries around the region.

More details on short and medium term action points are outlined in the

In line with the above, a call for volunteers to form an editorial team for
the SEE summary will be launched by end of day today.

If you have comments or questions on the report or the outlined
recommendations/actions points, please let us know.

Lastly, but not least, we would like to thank those who have responded to
the survey. And we encourage you all to contribute to both the summary and
the hub, as we resume them this month.

Best regards,

(on behalf of the executive committee)
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