[seedig] [SPAM] Re: Announcing the results of the SEEDIG Executive Committee elections

Michael J. Oghia mike.oghia at gmail.com
Tue Nov 14 15:35:30 CET 2017

Cao Zdravko,

Thank you for this detailed explanation, it makes sense to me. I understand
why this is the case, and I do think having a representative from
government on the EC is a positive step.

One note for the future, though, would be to clarify that not necessarily
the top 5 candidates with the most votes will become EC members. Perhaps
this was already stated or merely implied, but it would be good to include
that disclaimer on the tally page itself as well as the election page in
the future.


On Tue, Nov 14, 2017 at 3:12 PM, Sara Dushi <desaradushi at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Zdravko,
> Thank you for explaining thus. I understood it had to be this the reason,
> afterwards while reading more carefully the explanation at the second part
> of your first email.
> Anyway, I am glad to see that there are many women engaged in Internet
> Governance in our region.
> All the best,
> Sara
> On Tue, Nov 14, 2017 at 3:04 PM, Zdravko Jukić <Zdravko.Jukic at hakom.hr>
> wrote:
>> Dear Sara and all,
>> we would like to point out that the proposed composition is the result of
>> the compliance to the art 6.31 of the ToR, as stated in the Rationale. Had
>> we only looked at the number of votes, we would not be compliant with the
>> ToR as we could firstly not achieve the stakeholder's diversity of the
>> Executive Committee, i.e. we would have only 3 stakeholders in the EC, and
>> one of them, the Civil Society would have 3 out of 5 positions. Therefore
>> we have selected the two candidates with most votes representing the Civil
>> Society and each one candidate with the most votes from the remaining three
>> stakeholder groups, Technical Community, Private Sector and Government.
>> Secondly, had we only composed the EC by the number of votes, the gender
>> balance would not be achieved. Hope this makes our reasoning clearer?
>> Should you have any more questions, please do not hesitate to send them
>> to the election committee at elections at seedig.net
>> Thanks and best regards,
>> Zdravko (for the Election Committee)
>> *From:* seedig [mailto:seedig-bounces at lists.rnids.rs] *On Behalf Of *Michael
>> J. Oghia via seedig
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, November 14, 2017 2:39 PM
>> *To:* Sara Dushi
>> *Cc:* seedig at rnids.rs
>> *Subject:* [SPAM] Re: [seedig] Announcing the results of the SEEDIG
>> Executive Committee elections
>> Yes, you're absolutely right Sara (I realize, for instance, I was
>> comparing Olga's score to Sonia's, not Sasho's, on the first glance).
>> -M
>> On Tue, Nov 14, 2017 at 2:32 PM, Sara Dushi via seedig <
>> seedig at lists.rnids.rs> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> Congratulations to the elected committee. I have however to highlight a
>> mistake that I noticed at the email, that probably skipped to the others:
>> Sasho has 36 votes while Olga has 37. So either the number of votes is
>> wrong or the final ranking should be corrected.
>> All the best,
>> Sara
>> On Tue, Nov 14, 2017 at 2:24 PM, Sonia H. via seedig <
>> seedig at lists.rnids.rs> wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> A big thank you to Oksana, Aleksandar and Zdravko as the Election
>> Committee for their work, and all candidates for volunteering to carry
>> SEEDIG further!
>> Assuming there’ll be no objections to the results, I would like to
>> congratulate Sorina, Lianna, Dušan and Sasho!
>> And last but not least, a big thanks for everyone who voted for us, I am
>> very happy and excited to work together to help carry SEEDIG towards its
>> full potential!
>> All the best,
>> Sonia
>> On 14 Nov 2017 Tue at 14:12 Nebojsa Regoje <Nebojsa.Regoje at mvp.gov.ba>
>> wrote:
>> Dear all, especialy Sorina, Lianna, Dušan, Sonia, and Sasho!
>> Congratulations to the new/old members and wish us a lot of good things
>> in the future!
>> Nebojša Regoje
>> *From:* seedig [mailto:seedig-bounces at lists.rnids.rs] *On Behalf Of *Zdravko
>> Jukić
>> *Sent:* 14. novembar 2017 13:50
>> *To:* seedig at rnids.rs
>> *Cc:* Aleksandar Icokaev (icokaev at yahoo.com)
>> *Subject:* [seedig] Announcing the results of the SEEDIG Executive
>> Committee elections
>> Dear SEEDIG Community members,
>> The Election Committee is pleased to announce the election results and
>> the proposal for the composition of the new SEEDIG Executive Committee.
>> *I Election Results: *Total Ballots Cast (including duplicates): 75
>> Ballots Counted (excluding duplicates): 74
>> Voters Who Haven’t Voted: 48
>> Votes received (order as in the ballot):
>>  1: 40 votes    Dušan Caf, Slovenia, Private Sector
>> 2: 36 votes    Sasho Dimitrijoski, Macedonia, Government
>> 3: 46 votes    Lianna Galstyan, Armenia, Technical Community
>> 4: 39 votes    Su Sonia Herring, Turkey, Civil Society
>> 5: 15 votes    Narine Khachatryan, Armenia, Civil Society
>> 6: 25 votes    Fotjon Kosta, Albania, Government
>> 7: 37 votes    Olga Kyryliuk, Ukraine, Civil Society
>> 8: 31 votes    Domen Savič, Slovenia, Technical Community
>> 9: 69 votes    Sorina Teleanu, Romania, Civil Society
>> *II Proposal for the new Executive Committee (order by the numbers of
>> votes received): *
>> 1.      Sorina Teleanu, Romania, Civil Society
>> 2.      Lianna Galstyan, Armenia, Technical Community
>> 3.      Dušan Caf, Slovenia, Private Sector
>> 4.      Su Sonia Herring, Turkey, Civil Society
>> 5.      Sasho Dimitrioski, Macedonia, Government
>> Rationale
>> In compliance with section F  Art. 6.29 – 6.33 of the SEEDIG Executive
>> Committee Terms of Reference (ToR, http://seedig.net/terms-of-ref
>> erence-tor/), the Election Committee announces the election results and
>> the proposal for the composition of the new SEEDIG Executive Committee.
>> According  to Art 6.30, the candidates receiving most votes during the
>> voting process shall become members of the executive committee, provided
>> that the diversity criteria mentioned in Art. 3.2 are met.
>> By analyzing the results of the elections , the election committee
>> concluded that the five candidates as named above meet the requested
>> diversity criteria and the conditions as per art. 6.31  a. to d.
>> cumulatively. At the same time it assures the continuity of the work of the
>> previous executive committee with two new members that would offer added
>> value in experience and youth representation.
>> Instruction on legal remedy :
>> According to art 6.32. a. - ToR ,  a. Voting members of the SEEDIG
>> community may file written motivated objections to the proposal within
>> seven (7) days from the date when the proposal is announced. Objections may
>> only be raised on procedural grounds and concern the fulfilment of the
>> conditions provided in Art. 6.31. If no objection is filed within this
>> deadline the election committee shall announce the final election results.
>> The deadline for the motivated objections is 21 November, 23:59.
>> We would like to thank once again all the candidates and all the
>> community members who took part in these elections.
>> Sincerely ,
>> Oksana, Aleksandar and Zdravko as Election Committee
>> --
>> Sonia
>> LinkedIn <http://linkedin.com/in/suherring>
>> Twitter <http://twitter.com/susotti>
>> --
>> Desara Dushi
>> PhD Candidate in Law, Science and Technology
>> Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna
>> C.I.R.S.F.I.D.
>> and TILT, Tilburg University
> --
> Desara Dushi
> PhD Candidate in Law, Science and Technology
> Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna
> C.I.R.S.F.I.D.
> and TILT, Tilburg University
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