[seedig] Announcing the results of the SEEDIG Executive Committee elections
Mirjana Tasić
Mirjana.Tasic at rnids.rs
Tue Nov 14 14:42:10 CET 2017
Congratulations too!!
I completely agree with everything Mihajlo said.
Regards Mirjana
From: seedig <seedig-bounces at lists.rnids.rs> on behalf of "Michael J. Oghia via seedig" <seedig at lists.rnids.rs>
Reply-To: "Michael J. Oghia" <mike.oghia at gmail.com>
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 at 13:59
To: Zdravko Jukić <Zdravko.Jukic at hakom.hr>
Cc: SEEDIG <seedig at rnids.rs>, "Aleksandar Icokaev (icokaev at yahoo.com)" <icokaev at yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [seedig] Announcing the results of the SEEDIG Executive Committee elections
Congratulations Sorina, Lianna, Dušan, Sonia, and Sasho! Not only is the team balanced in terms of gender, stakeholder group, and geographic location, but it also brings a wealth of experience to SEEDIG (and includes a youth member).
Excellent job Oksana, Aleksander, and Zdravko!
On Tue, Nov 14, 2017 at 1:49 PM, Zdravko Jukić <Zdravko.Jukic at hakom.hr<mailto:Zdravko.Jukic at hakom.hr>> wrote:
Dear SEEDIG Community members,
The Election Committee is pleased to announce the election results and the proposal for the composition of the new SEEDIG Executive Committee.
I Election Results:
Total Ballots Cast (including duplicates): 75
Ballots Counted (excluding duplicates): 74
Voters Who Haven’t Voted: 48
Votes received (order as in the ballot):
1: 40 votes Dušan Caf, Slovenia, Private Sector
2: 36 votes Sasho Dimitrijoski, Macedonia, Government
3: 46 votes Lianna Galstyan, Armenia, Technical Community
4: 39 votes Su Sonia Herring, Turkey, Civil Society
5: 15 votes Narine Khachatryan, Armenia, Civil Society
6: 25 votes Fotjon Kosta, Albania, Government
7: 37 votes Olga Kyryliuk, Ukraine, Civil Society
8: 31 votes Domen Savič, Slovenia, Technical Community
9: 69 votes Sorina Teleanu, Romania, Civil Society
II Proposal for the new Executive Committee (order by the numbers of votes received):
1. Sorina Teleanu, Romania, Civil Society
2. Lianna Galstyan, Armenia, Technical Community
3. Dušan Caf, Slovenia, Private Sector
4. Su Sonia Herring, Turkey, Civil Society
5. Sasho Dimitrioski, Macedonia, Government
In compliance with section F Art. 6.29 – 6.33 of the SEEDIG Executive Committee Terms of Reference (ToR, http://seedig.net/terms-of-reference-tor/), the Election Committee announces the election results and the proposal for the composition of the new SEEDIG Executive Committee.
According to Art 6.30, the candidates receiving most votes during the voting process shall become members of the executive committee, provided that the diversity criteria mentioned in Art. 3.2 are met.
By analyzing the results of the elections , the election committee concluded that the five candidates as named above meet the requested diversity criteria and the conditions as per art. 6.31 a. to d. cumulatively. At the same time it assures the continuity of the work of the previous executive committee with two new members that would offer added value in experience and youth representation.
Instruction on legal remedy :
According to art 6.32. a. - ToR , a. Voting members of the SEEDIG community may file written motivated objections to the proposal within seven (7) days from the date when the proposal is announced. Objections may only be raised on procedural grounds and concern the fulfilment of the conditions provided in Art. 6.31. If no objection is filed within this deadline the election committee shall announce the final election results. The deadline for the motivated objections is 21 November, 23:59.
We would like to thank once again all the candidates and all the community members who took part in these elections.
Sincerely ,
Oksana, Aleksandar and Zdravko as Election Committee
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