[seedig] Opening the voting period for the SEEDIG Executive Committe

Zdravko Jukić Zdravko.Jukic at hakom.hr
Fri Nov 3 10:23:31 CET 2017

Dear Sonia,

thanks for your question. The order is alphabetical, by family name.

Best regards,

From: Sonia H. [mailto:s.sonia.h at gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, November 03, 2017 9:39 AM
To: Zdravko Jukić
Cc: Aleksandar Icokaev (icokaev at yahoo.com); seedig at rnids.rs
Subject: Re: [seedig] Opening the voting period for the SEEDIG Executive Committe


I have a question to the election committee. I see the nomination page has changed and become more user friendly which is great.

I’d like to know according to what was the order of nominations were made? Seeing it is not alphabetical or time of nomination or submission of statements.

Thank you,

On 3 Nov 2017 Fri at 12:32 Zdravko Jukić <Zdravko.Jukic at hakom.hr<mailto:Zdravko.Jukic at hakom.hr>> wrote:
Dear all,

we are resending the announcement as the first one had wrong links. Please use the ones below. Sorry about that.

Best regards,

Dear all,

as the SEEDIG 2017 Election Committee, we are happy to announce that the voting period is now open and will last until 12 November, 23:59. In that period you can cast your vote.

All voting members will soon receive an email with their personal ballot with short instructions on how to vote.

More information on the voting process and the candidates can be found here:

  *   Details about the voting process: http://seedig.net
  *   Full list of nominations: http://seedig.net/nominations-2017
If you are a voting member of the SEEDIG community, and you do not receive the ballot today, or should you have any questions related to the process, please contact the election committee, at elections at seedig.net<mailto:elections at seedig.net>."
Thank you.

We would also like to thank ICANN for providing us the voting tool.

Best regards,

Oksana, Aleksandar and Zdravko
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